Cody Facts

This is pathetic! We are trying to make up catchy phrases of how 'cool' Cody is? Give me a break! :rolleyes: Everyone knows that he lived in his parents basement until he was 26 and still plays D&D.

haha, I was 25 lol.

19 nations consider Cody's verbal abuse a form of capital punishment.

OK, so walking around my work I noticed that Nintendo released a ton of old NES games for game boy. Metroid, Zelda, Mario bros', mario world, castlevania, etc. You know, all the games that I used to play when I was young enough to play games and still maintain a small amount of self respect. At any rate, I was remembering how much fun I used to have playing metroid and I almost considered checking what my price would be on a game boy so I could relive my childhood. I often have some down time at work so I could probably chill out in a corner and any rate again...

So, I won a damn game boy not 2 days after I was thinking all this. They also gave me a free game and I got metroid. I got home, took care of some business with a man named jon, and turned on Metroid. The music and tacky graphics alone brought back memories. I was almost looking forward to playing this game since I never could beat it when I was a kid. After about 10 minutes I was board stiff.

So I guess I'm just wondering how people can spend so much time playing video games? I had an xbox, and in the year I owned it it got about 2 hours playing time by me. I would play for about 20 minutes, then get really bored with it.

Different strokes for different folks, but I'll stick to books for down-time entertainment.

I know you Xbox guys have your doubts about the smaller portable game systems such as the Game boy, but I think you are missing out on a great opportunity here.

Here me out. Say you divert 10% of your monthly budget for pogs, Magik cards, and Xbox games into a game boy and a few select games. Say, for instance, fate finds you hanging out with friends---or say a girl (one on one (icky I know)). After the initial shock wears off you always need to find someway to ground yourself. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, get in a few quick minutes of Game Boy and Blam!!! you're back in the mix! You now have a way to mask the uncomfortable pains that are ever-present in social interaction with the familiar solace of gaming!! Think of the opportunities. This could be the coolest thing since D&D!!!
favorite post of all time....on the JU thread after I rolled my 1st ZJ in Bob Ternes

What's funny is that you obviously feel that the flames are unwarranted. You post hearsay and opinions as incontrovertible fact, back them up with fuzzy, waffle logic (see above), and then you're confused when people think you're an assclown, videlicet this swaybar issue. In the first post, you state that you have to disconnect to let the suspension do its job. Then you state that disconnecting the swaybar really warns you that you're going over too far! What? Which is it? Suspension or warning?

Everyone here starts out with the same platform: a screen name. What's apparently baffling you is why "matwaz" is such an incendiary device, because surely the highly informed singular consensus you post under that screen name certainly can't be the cause of such public consternation. Or it's just that we can't UNDERSTAND your posts, much like that RK 3-link was apparently lightyears beyond our ken. If I was still working door at bars, I'd have 86'ed you long ago for being a fight magnet. Here though, you simply attract detractors (as well as the uninformed sycophants who mistook your bravado for braveness), not knuckle sandwiches.

You know, you have all of these opinions about products, setups, and tech in general, but you don't have anything you've either made or done that corroborates your self-proclaimed hardcore status. To wit, apparently not being able to bolt in your tera kit presented an almost insurmountable challenge to you. I can only assume it's because you didn't have the tools necessary, since you are apparently the GrandMaster of suspension setups and fabrication, from the self righteous b*tching we heard. I bet you would have been able to mod the offending bracket blindfolded with a watermelon strapped to your ass - but if only you had had the right tools, darn it!

Please, by all means, correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see you as anything but a font of derivative knowledge. In fact, I've heard you post so many things that you have 'heard about,' that if we were in academia, we'd have what they call an 'authorship issue.' I almost shot Mtn Dew through my nose when you suggested to the guy looking for some basic ujoint tips that he tack the caps in place. God DAMN you are hardcore!

As far as the swaybar issue goes, you're so wrong it's almost comical. "Anti Swaybar" is actually an epithet for "stabilizer bar". These bars help any rig with stability, handling, and therefore, safety. If you think they're so demonic, I suggest you strip them off your 5.9 and start powerboating through your turns. And if say that you tried and failed to flip a WJ with 4" and no swaybars, you're either not trying hard enough, or talking out your ass. Experience suggests the latter.

Aside from an obviously growing agita based on your attitude, I bet you're wondering where this is coming from. I almost did not post this and I still don't completely want to because I don't want to start a massive flame war. But for reasons rooted both in loyalty and philology, I will not stand back while you implicate Cody for connecting his swaybar by naming it as a factor in his roll. You're too far across the line here. You're turning this into a stage where you can both expound upon how hardcore you are, and how Cody was wrong to connect his swaybar. The guy just rolled his vehicle and you're like, "This is why you shouldn't run a swaybar." Well, I call bullsh*t, after seeing that a goodly percentage of your posts have been nothing but you sunning your junk. I'm furthermore just aghast that after something like 13 pages of getting the full Massengill treatment after your rig rolled in the desert, you self-aggrandizingly slag on him right on page number one for doing the right (and safe) thing (which you were obviously TOO HARDCORE FOR!). That's so lame. THAT'S why I'm posting this.

The classic quote? "7"+ guys really need to be ginger with the rigs in the corners..." No sh*t, Sherlock. I can't *believe* you'd post that now.

Mods, I'll delete this or clean it up if you need me to.

there is no chin underneath my beard....only more head.
You grew a beard???

Heidi Klum has a Cody poster on her bedroom wall.
I bet she got it from Jeepin Joe.

You know, I've only met you a couple of times, but I really didn't think your head was all that big. My cranium the other hand is made to look small only by my enourmous fat ass. And in that, you have the reason I insisted on a 5.9 limited. The seats.

Hm... what can I add constructively?

Cody once ignited his own flatulance. The cloud from the resulting fireball cause an ice age and the extinction of the dinosaurs.
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You know, I've only met you a couple of times, but I really didn't think your head was all that big.

Well, my only answer is that my neck has had the unfortunate task of hauling around this gargantuan bulb of bone and dead cells for it's entire life and, as a result, is incredibly well developed. So, because my neck is so thick, my head doesn't appear to the unknowing observer to be particularly excessive.

But believe you me, it is.
Cody is the cure for lesbianism.

Cody can burn the sun.

Cody can't be average. If he was, the rest of mankind would be below average.
I don't read books. I just stare them down until I get the information I want out of them.
From when that rave was broken up...

So, you want the police chief to just stroll through a crowd of 3000 hopped up kids who already have a general distaste for the law (I'm sure this isn't hte first time their 'civil liberties' have been violated by the man) to the stage, pull the plug on the turn-tables and simply say 'go home everyone--parties over". ..... Thats grounds for death by glow-stick......

I like the comment in that rave thread that said that we are all stupid for saying someone OD'd on E when, in all reality, it was just a bad mix of E. OHHHH, well, that makes it all better. Since it was some cheap ****ing drug lords bad mix of E that somehow makes it not a problem--god forbid your precious E gets an unfair shakedown in the eyes of the public. But of course, there were no drugs there--except for some bad 'E' which isn't a drug anyways because there were none there. Right.....

It sucks the party was broken up, and it sucks it had to happen that way. But, I wouldn't walk into a crowd of glow-stick toating, j-nco wearing, studded belt weilding, rave dorks without full swat gear and 80 fully trained peace officers--would you?

On a sad note, I fear my investment into just went down the shitter.
about weiner dogs...

Hey, Steve was ahead of me in the thread. He probably has "weiner" on some sort of nerdy auto google search that he invented in his basement and it auto directs his browser to the pages when they pop up.

Brett has been trying to write that program for years. What a failure.

Hey, much like my parents, I'm simply an entrepreneur. A purveyor of goods that other people covet. Think of all the girl-dodging basement dwellers that would pay good money for a program like that. If it could auto execute they could keep both hands off the keyboard and ..... well I'm sure the prospect of that just sends shivers down your spine.

web nerds and religious leaders around the world would fight for their place in line.

But steve aced me out. On to my next get-rich-quick scheme
Attention Nerds. Brett and Steven R Nelson will be hosting their 1st annual nerd-fest 2k7 at Brett's house this Friday at 12:00 noon. They will be airing the complete DVD collection of Babylon 5 mark 2 (complete with director's commentary!). After that, there will be a 2 hour break where they will roast wieners, drink Bacardi razz, and tell stories about their favorite Dungeons and Dragons match and most memorable beatings while in school. Prizes will be awarded for the person with the most confirmed instances of being beat up for their lunch money, and for most brutal over all beating.

For the night crew, an intense Halo2 frag-fest will fallow in the downstairs room while upstairs will watch every Star Trek DS9 episode in succession combined with a personal instruction from Brett on how to make your very own Star Trek communicator and tri-quarter device from used cell phone parts and cheetos bags.

Also, a grand prize will be awarded for the individual who can come up with the most scientific innaccuracies in 2001 A space oddysey
More to follow.

Cody doesn't have a "post counter", Cody has a "how many people I buried on RME" meter.


Who is missing in this picture........:cody:


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