Commo while 4 wheeling


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
I have had verizon for almost 5 yrs now and it works everywhere I need to be... to include moab... but then again I have a external antenna for it and a 3 watt booster! use to have AT&T but that was so long ago its doesn't count... but I do know the guy that sells all the towers to cingular and he is working on more in the moab area and they will all be GSM seeing that most the world is GSM and only the US is cdma or tdma...

My experience with Tmoble... my ex has it up here in evanston wyoming... seeing they do not have their own equipment here they roam off the union telephone company... when she got her first bill they double billed her... once for all the mins she used and then again for roaming on another companies network... It took me almost 6 hours of yelling at a poor kid to get it even looked at by someone.... their solution: gave her 600 additional mins that month to wipe out the double bill.... we cancelled the service that day!

I was a communication tech with AT&T and a few other firms before the big layoffs... and worked with some of the celluar companies and right now I would have to say the best is still verizon..... they are spending billons to upgrade their current equipment...


Do I bother you?
Denver, CO
I haven't had service cut out on me yet on my cingular phone. It even worked in this tiny canyon on the way up to liberty/huntsville from ogden..

I will let you know how good the service is in moab! When I go in a month.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Moab-wise, t-mobile is pretty good if you can see the La Sals, I've heard lots of good things about Verizon, that seems to be what most locals have.


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
greenjeep said:
Moab-wise, t-mobile is pretty good if you can see the La Sals, I've heard lots of good things about Verizon, that seems to be what most locals have.

T mobiles tower is on the mountain that the road to sand flats goes up. So if you can get line of sight with that tower you can go quite a ways, but if you drop into a canyon don't count on it. Thats where the analog would come in handy cause it is practically everywhere


Registered User
idaho falls
olywrestle said:
I agree if you want coverage "everywhere" then make sure it is tri-mode (Analog, CDMA, TDMA) Just make sure if you get a plan that doesn't include analog roaming that you have your phone set not to automatically switch to it, or you could be using your phone in the valley and be roaming on analog ($$$$) and not even realize it...

GSM (att/cingular and tmobile) is great for those that dont get into the sticks very often, and need lots of minutes.

He is exactly right. You hav eto be careful w/ tri'mode because roaming can be automatic.


Registered User
idaho falls
cell phone service

Make sure you ask whether or not the provider you go with has the option to turn off automatic roaming. With some providers such as qwest, you dont have that option. There are ways around that though, with qwest, you can get a nationwide plan where you dont have to pay for roaming ever, as long as you can get a signal and you dont have to pay with a credit card to call. But it is a little more spendy than some other provider. :) :greg:


Do I bother you?
Denver, CO
I pay 42 a month after taxes for my cingular phone...its nationwide, no roaming!

That would have been handy when I was stuck in cincinatti for 3 days over christmas time!


Registered User
Cody said:
I used to have sprint and I was pretty happy with it--that is until I switched to Verizon and found out just how much better it could be. I only got analog roam with sprint in Moab (which I had to pay through the 'A' for), and there were lots of dead spots around town and around everywhere else. The customer service people were absolute assholes--I can't believe they can stay in business with as many unfulfilled promises I got and how many times they were rude to me both in person and over the phone.

Verizon gets digital service everywhere--well at least practically everywhere. All the way to Pheonix--digital (maybe lost it for like an hour). Moab--perfect, everywhere I go, perfect. There CS people rock too. I had problems getting my old number ported over--the call dropped while I was holding for the lady to check something. I was pissed--2 minutes later she called me back----she called ME back. With sprint I would have had to call back, have the call drop 2 more times, call back, argue that I had just called and talked to so-n-so, have them tell me that that person doesn't exist, have them tell me I'm a liar, transfer me around to 16 different departments, finally find someone that says they can help, then the call would drop and I'd have to start over.

Anyways, verizon is waaay better then my sprint service was. Just my experience though.


Bingo, give that man a cigar. This is exactly my story to the "T" and why I want to dump Sprint.


Just me
Bingo, give that man a cigar. This is exactly my story to the "T" and why I want to dump Sprint.
I worked for sprint customer service a few years ago. All that they cared about was the "Average Handle Time" or how long that you spent on each call. You had the ability to make an outgoing call, but when/if you did it would pop up a alert at "mission Control" (where the monitered all calls, how long you have been on a call, etc ) and they would send someone right over to tell you to get off that call right away. So you see that they certinally did not encourage you to call customers back or even take much time to help any one. The unoffical unspoken moto is " if your bill is wrong...It must be your fault.
Any way I now have T-mobile and service was great in moab all along cliffhanger and around town. But coverage sucks in Bear River City. :)


Registered User
idaho falls
I currently work for qwest, and they have good coverage. There's no avg call time or anything like that, they finally pulled their heads out of their arses and are really trying to have good cust service


Registered User

i have verizon, get coverage everywhere, except in powell I had to go for a short boat ride to get service. I am on the nation wide plan,
Verizon is very good!


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
81Ramchargerman said:
I currently work for qwest, and they have good coverage. There's no avg call time or anything like that, they finally pulled their heads out of their arses and are really trying to have good cust service

I can second that. Cause I work for them too.....