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looks like I need 8.8 yards of cement.

I need to remove sod and cork my sprinkler system first though. I hate work.


Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
I had a 10' by 75' pad poured back in '05 when I built my house. I asked one of the builder's cement guys if he would work for cash. He jumped on it super quick. He qouted me $2000. Of course I didn't have grass to remove and the builder had brought me a nice load of road base that was supposed to be my topsoil :rolleyes:. Luckily for me the roadbase load was dumped and spread where I wanted my RV pad :D.

I did call around to some concrete contractors and got bids for $5000-7000 for the same job.

After hearing that I brushed up on my spanglish, told the cash to "git-r-done" a couple days later the job was done.
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