congrats to marc


formerly "rckcrlr"
What a sweetheart! That's such good news that she's breathing fine and her lungs are developed. Will Angie be able to stay at the hospital with her?

Probably only keep Angie 5 days....Unless the doc gets creative with the insurance, but we don't live far away....

Both are at St. Marks. The staff has been nothing short of incredible!!!! They moved Keeley from the super intense nicu to the regular nicu today. She is still doing great, sucking on a binky, just waiting for her to want some food!


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Congrats again, My first was in the NICU for about a month, breathing on their own is a big step. Mine was on a feeding tube for the first week or two but ended up staying until she was close to the magic 2000 grams. Good luck

Brian P

Misanthropic Fuel
Good lookin kid there Mark, You should be proud! Our first barely made it to 37 weeks, Due to the same issues.
Good to hear all is on the up and up


Random Dead Guy
Sandy Utah
Congrats Marc. She is a perfect little angel... with emphasis on LITTLE.
Both of my boys were monsters... and I'm glad of it, cause I'd be afraid of breaking the littler ones.
Again, congrats, and I wish you continued sucess and happiness.

jeep girl

Registered User
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to pop on and say hi and thank you all for the congrats!

Keeley is just a little peanut, but did eat a tiny bit today! Dr. today said to plan on her being there for about 4 weeks, maybe a little less if she does really good.

Marc's an amazing daddy already!

We'll keep everyone posted as things change.

Thanks again,