Constrictor Restoration


...I'm not sure why I'm hesitant about making WW the entrance--partly because it originally wasn't the entrance, partly because I know people will terrorize that hillside, and partly because when that obstacle is wet, very few rigs can get up it. Could crawl any line imaginable in my old rig when it was dry--but in the rain I couldnt get up it to save my life.....
I hear you, it will be hard to close it off in such a manor that people don't try to bypass it. But people already drive up the hill when they can't do WW instead of taking a minute to drive down and around, so not making WW the gatekeeper is not going to save the hillside.
...I can just see someone go up there and there is a puddle at the bottom or it's raining and they can't get up it but they know they could do the rest of the trail so they blast up the gully and go around......that would be bad...
That's the very idea, if you can't drive WW wet, you can't drive Con wet. Radiator rapids is polished to the point that you can't stand on it when it's wet, let alone drive it. WW is by far easier to drive wet than the rapids are now.


Formerly WJ ZUK
But Meat then you won't be able to come with us anytime:( .. But I think it will also be too difficult to block off the access at ww because there is just too many ways to go around, it will be much easier and beenficial to do it at the wolverine and we can adjust the trail from there;)


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
We're working on it. My project for the week is to find the owner of the land and get together (or ast least start) w/the BLM and try to get this thing done.

Mead, WA
I'm not sure WW is the best place to force the road. People wlll start tearing up the hill to get around (quads mainly, but 4x4's too) to the rest of the trail.

I'm all for restoring Con to it's former self by blocking off the bypass to what used to be the entrance and also around the eagles nest.

Also, moving some rocks around so the trail is no longer 10' wide and closer to the 3' it used to be would be cool.


This was my thought as well....


Formerly WJ ZUK
Well I guess after todays run that I saw in the trip reports we can't use ww as the rule of thumb for doing constrictor...So did any of you guys think of any good ideas while you were up there?


Well I guess after todays run that I saw in the trip reports we can't use ww as the rule of thumb for doing constrictor...So did any of you guys think of any good ideas while you were up there?

Yeah, that we should use WW as the gatekeeper.... and oh ya, I also thought hey, isn't WJ ZUK supposed to be here? with my cd? If you are going to do the Nest, you need a winch, if you have a winch you can winch WW.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I like the idea of having WW be a gatekeeper too, for the same reasons as Meat. I'm a little unclear on what is being used as the evil bypass right now though??? Seemed like the high road is a great bypass if you aren't equipped for WW??????

By that I mean, I didn't readily see where people were going around that, short of going waaay back.


Push to the Peak
The evil WW bypass ... look at the picture you posted of Meat on WW. See the guys in the background, and the turn around tracks? That has been driven right over the top, and thru the trees to where it's almost main roadish anymore


Formerly WJ ZUK
Yeah, that we should use WW as the gatekeeper.... and oh ya, I also thought hey, isn't WJ ZUK supposed to be here? with my cd? If you are going to do the Nest, you need a winch, if you have a winch you can winch WW.

:( Sure make me feel bad. I know, I know Isaid I would try, I just didn't try very hard. I was still broken from the last snow run at the snakes I went on. I got it fixed today though:) My new GM alternator is in.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
The evil WW bypass ... look at the picture you posted of Meat on WW. See the guys in the background, and the turn around tracks? That has been driven right over the top, and thru the trees to where it's almost main roadish anymore


That's a pretty f'ed up line to take for a bypass! Ok though. Needs rocks and or fencing.

I think that could be cut off fairly well.


I think the spot right around where WW comes back into the main road is narrow enough with enough trees to make an effective road block. Close the road off there and at the turn off into WW, add some strongly worded signs and it might work.

Oh ya, and get Anchorman to put an anchor in for WW


Salt Lake
As for WW being the gatekeeper, I agree whole-heartedly, however I think you are going to have a hard time getting the BLM to allow us to close off the main trail. This was the original road into the canyon, so I don't know how they would feel about it even though it would help immensely at keeping the canyon in better shape.

I hope that the BLM says no to this idea, but that is just my opinion. Just like Cody, I have never been able to make WW if it was wet at all. If it is dry, I can do it. I have also never driven down WW, but if this bad idea of closing the main road around WW happens, then I guess I will get my chance. I can make radiator rapids though even when it is wet.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I hope that the BLM says no to this idea, but that is just my opinion. Just like Cody, I have never been able to make WW if it was wet at all. If it is dry, I can do it. I have also never driven down WW, but if this bad idea of closing the main road around WW happens, then I guess I will get my chance. I can make radiator rapids though even when it is wet.

i'd say the likelyhood is slim anyways... the BLM would bring up the fact that it'd be shutting off the ATV users, and that the trail has to be available for all...

but we'll see what they say...



Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
It's not shutting them off. The road goes around.

I dont' think the ROAD around that whole section of trail should be closed, just the bypass. So you either drive up WW, or you go around that entire section.



Formerly WJ ZUK
I think it is very unlikely they will let us block off the normal access road and make ww the entry because it was never a official road just a side obsticle, plus it would sort of neglect the the reason for keeping constrictor open since the road to constrictor and up the ravine is the reason we are able to use the trail. I think it is best to just block off the waynes world bypass and block of the bypasses at the beginning of constrictor, which will have to be done anyway, then build up the trail to its previous glory