Not to be a punk and point out the obvious.. but your entire post is CREATING a you vs them dialog. You lumped everyone not of your view into the ‘right’ and called them conspiracy nuts.
I am also tired of the political garbage. So I minimize my comments in threads like this, stay off of social media as often as possible, don’t watch too much of the news, etc.
we can only be as upset as we let ourselves get.
You can read it how you want....i didnt lump everyone not of my view as 'right' nor did I say all of them are conspiracy nuts. Nor am I creating an dialogue about me vs them. I am pointing out what I see.
If you can honestly sit there and say that people looking for some conspiracy in Covid or the election, etc aren't as a GIANT majority right then we obviously differ there.
I am pointing out, and have numerous times in other BOTH sides refuse to be objective to the other sides arguments. It isn't anything has just gotten so much worse over the past 12 years. When Trump was in office the left was yelling conspiracy about Russia and such. Now it's the right yelling about conspiracy's. Neither side is being objective....and both sides are defending "their guy" vehemently.....there appears to be little in the way of middle ground anymore.
Clinton and Ben ghazi never went anywhere, Fast & Furious never went anywhere, Russia involvement in '16 never went anywhere....yet each side feels the other is wrong and hiding something. What ever happened to they're all POS's and did some shady shit? I dont agree with any of what they did...on either side. I think they were all somewhat corrupt and did things wrong and self serving and very likely illegal. However depending on who I talk to they will call me "nazi", "racist, "communist" or "liberal" if I dont agree with them.
So I am sorry if you take me very disheartened with both sides right now....yet mentioning the right on a subject that is basically one they have conspiracies about...i apologize.
As for social media...I dont3 have any and never have (an old FB account under a fake name for 1 long since disbanded wheeling group) i spend almost all my time here, Irate4x4, MSN, KSL....the internet is very small for me.