Hey Cory. I followed you over from the link you posted on pirate. My build is the one you linked on garage forums. I have to say man, you did a very nice build.
I'm still waiting for the time to put the finishing touches on mine so I'm not running just yet, but I'm really close. It's pretty obvious you have much better fab skills and equipment than I did when I built mine. It was a learning process for me. Hell I just started welding last year about 6 months before I bought the parts to build the table. All I have left to do is mount and wire the limit and home switches and figure out how to hook up the DTHC and feather touch stuff. It's been a brutal summer here and work has been hell. Honestly I don't have anyone to blame but myself. I hope to get up and running soon though. Your build is an inspiration.
I didn't even think about using the 3" tubes to run my wires through. I snaked them through the 1x3 tube with some difficulty but it made it. I'm looking forward to following your process through the learning curves to making money. What are your plans for the table?
Thank you sir. I'm very DIY (Cheap) when it comes to anything i'm capable of learning/doing. Seeing the other threads really gave me the motivation to try it for myself.
I still haven't set up the DTHC yet. . . I have been too busy needing the table now$$$ and I have only been cutting thick small parts where i don't need it as much. I had never used a CAD program till after the table was complete. I'm very familiar with 3 sided mechanical drawings so that has made the CAD much easier to digest. I have learned so much in the last 2 months that my head hurts.:wtf:
The plans now are to get really familiar with it and the programming. After that it is to keep it running making $ weather it be one off parts, production parts, artsy parts, my own manufactured parts. What ever brings the $. Its a big table with a big plasma. I didn't want to limit myself. When it comes to metal fabrication bigger is always better.
Estimated finish date for your table?