Crappy neighbor advice.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Great feedback you guys thanks a bunch. I was hesitant to even post this here but I'm to the point I don't know what else to do. We both don't like confrontations or telling people how to live their lives (reason we've put it off so long) but this is just wrong on so many levels.

It is funny at times I mean you seriously can't make this stuff up. Like the times they come outside making obscene gestures while they're peeing facing towards my house (while my wife is outside). I tell her to record it but she's completely creeped out about it--rightfully so I guess. They don't dare do it when I'm around..

mbryson is correct Lewiston is very spread out so my other neighbors don't have to deal with the same nonsense as us however they are aware of the problems we've been having and agree it needs to stop.

I really wish I would have bought the house when I had the chance. It was bad timing and I wasn't in the position financially to do it. Maybe I could try to buy it now and rent it... Or better yet level/nuke it. That way I'd have an acre of peace and quiet on each side of me haha :D

Cameras would be great for the chickens and rocks along with other things. How are cameras in the dark? I'm guessing I'd need some sort of motion lights as well. I'll have to do some more research.

Anyway my wife and I had a nice long talk last night and wrote down all the things that we agreed were big issues. We are going to call the land lord and meet with him in person. I'd like to put all of our concerns out on the table and let him know we will start getting the police involved if it continues to get out of hand. I know it's a tough one for the land lord because he has employed their dad for something like 18 years. I thought I mentioned it in my first post but he is also the judge here in Lewiston so that's probably a good thing.

Thanks again everyone,



Well-Known Member
Go to small claims court for the damage done to your property. I think it is 75 ish bucks to file. If nothing else you would get Evans attention.


Registered User
Costco for cameras/dvr. I bought a setup with 4 cameras and a 1TB hard drive for our shop for $199 on sale. Works great, cameras have I/R for vision at night. Can record on a schedule or on motion. Easy to connect to Internet so you can view, review, record remotely. Probably best thing you could do for a couple hundred bucks. Brand is Q-See.


Threat Level Midnight
I bet if 25 big bearded RME members showed up at your place in lifted don't-F-with-me rigs, and paid a serious visit where we had a come-to-Jesus talk with those boys and those parents, letting them know what is about to happen with cops and evictions and missing animals and videos, etc., they might straighten up some, or get scared enough to move away.

I'm in, anytime you want to name. I have fond memories of Lewiston's July 4th celebrations (horse pull!), and have thought about moving there at some point. It is unacceptable to have your quite country life ruined by a couple of punk kids.


Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
They are gone. No-----freaking-----way.. THEY ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday they started packing and yesterday the house and yard were empty. I don't know where they went and I don't know if they will come back but right now they are gone and we've never been happier.

I wish it wouldn't kill me financially because I really want to buy the property and bulldoze that house to the ground.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Think I'm going to try for a few of the suggestions in here. We have a home being rented across the circle - loud music late at night, shady people in/out all hours of the day, no upkeep...

Glad they're gone, hopefully you'll get a nice family to replace them.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Thanks guys. The farmer/homeowner stopped by last night and we talked for a bit. The farm hand was disgruntled so he quit and moved away for good :cool: The farmer offered me the house on .7 acres for 80K. The house is a wreck.. We walked around the inside and I wanted to puke. I'm contemplating buying it, making it livable (sheetrock, flooring, etc) and then renting it out. Still kicking it around.

I slept in today which never happens (I usually wake up to the screaming profanity alarm clock :rolleyes:) My family and I spend all morning playing outside and enjoyed every second of it. I can't put into words how much of a relief this is.

Did they leave because of anything you did, or did you get lucky?

We got lucky. Very very lucky :D


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
The farmer offered me the house on .7 acres for 80K. The house is a wreck.. We walked around the inside and I wanted to puke. I'm contemplating buying it, making it livable (sheetrock, flooring, etc) and then renting it out. Still kicking it around.

Woah.... If the majority is cosmetic, that's awesome. Where you at again?