
Web Wheeling Extraordinaire
Richfield Utah
Alright, so, changed out my powersteering pump, pulley ( for PSC High pressure pump and smaller pulley) put the "best" quality new serpentine belt on after cleaning the old pullies off of any old glaze and it still squeals like a banshee! Any ideas on how to shut this up? It didnt do it til i did this change. all pulleys are good its just the belt. I have tensioned it a dozen different ways but it still does it and only above 1000 rpms.
How's your tensioner? Sure it's not the bearing about to die, which will then overheat and destroy your nice serpentine belt, taking out your water pump and power steering, and ruining your day? :D

It's happened to me. Check the bearing on the idler and, more crucially, the tensioner. They fail.
Te tensioner on this is the power steering pump, took off ideler pulley still squeals, apply a bar of soap to to the ribs of the belt it shuts up til it gets revved up.
I'm guessing you need to bleed your steering system. Did you fill it with the right type of fluid? Some pumps are notorious for squeaking when not bled properly, or when the wrong fluid is used. Some squeal when you're breaking them in, and some squeal all the time (I'm talking about the pump squealing, not the belts).
Yes i put in power steering fluid ad bled the system like psc reccomended. i have not checked the alignment of the belt. I will do that when i get home.
You could have a stiff pulley on there somewhere that's causing the belt to squeal, which adding soap to the belt would temporarily quiet down. I'd pull the belt and check to see if any of the pulleys are on the verge of seizing.
Well after much fighting with the dang thing, 4 different belts, numerous belt anti squeal crap, cleaning pulleys off with brake clean and wire brushes, i finally noticed what TJDukit had metioned, my pump was actually kicked out on the bottom just slightly enough to knock my belt off from the altenator's angle, pulled the bracket off and found it to be bent so i straightened it and then my pump was back in line and with a new elt, cleaned the pulleys once more, no more squeak!! thanks yall for the suggestions! i can finally stand to drive it again lol