Desert wandering 02-01-09


In the Ramcharger, now with 96% less in cab exhaust!!!

Met up with bobmed and headed out to Little Moab (got stuck on the way there) then over to Broad Canyon (got stuck there) then over Topliff and into Faust.

I just realized that this thread is going to suck without pictures until tomorrow when I get them on the computer
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This thread sucks without pics.

I was afraid of that....

The day's goal was Little Moab the back way (it has not been plowed all winter by Allen's Ranch house), Broad Canyon and Topliff the back way (to show bob the buildings).

We stated out heading south through Eagle Mountain


This is about the last time I was able to see bob


The snow got much deeper and the plowed area on the road shrunk to 1 vehicle wide... this is where we ran into a herd of cars that were heading north on that road.... :ugh: that was not a safe idea to take cars down there.

We crossed over to Allen's Ranch road which was mostly melted off until you get to the curve where it hasn't been plowed.

That's where it got interesting for a bit, we had to make it around the curve driving ontop of over a foot of snow.


I sent bob in front of me to find the soft spots :D (I am heavier and have the winch).


For the most part it went well, at one point we had to go off the side of the road (still in the fenced road area) and then back onto the road. I noticed bob using a bit of extra speed where he went back onto the road.... did that make me pay attention when I got to that place? Nope. I idled right into it in first hi without it locked up (ok so I was also browsing RME because I was bored at the speed I was driving :rofl: )
I ended up with my driver rear in the plowed ditch on the side of the road and my pass front nearly off the ground.... bob had to drive back and be a winch point, luckily I wasn't very stuck or his little XJ would have just came over to the Ramcharger.
Sorry, since my camera ***** didn't bring his camera all I have is cell phone pics, and I was too busy getting unstuck to get pictures of that :(

There was only about 1 mile of deep stuff, and then it was smooth sailing over to LM

I rock crawled the Ramcharger! :rolleyes: Yeah I'm still not going to do that.

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Here's on the way back across the deep stuff


The snow crystals were pretty cool down there.


This is in Broad Canyon, it doesn't look like it but the snow is over a foot deep under us at this point. Just behind bob is a hill that I almost didn't make it up, I still wasn't making it down to the dirt :ugh:

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Shortly after that, the snow went from holding me up and smooth sailing to soft and you are screwed. When it first stopped me I was able to back out of it, but I decided to try again and that was the end of it. Luckily there were trees, which marks the first time I have ever been stuck somewhere were I could actually use the winch (that is after it was on the truck, cuz there were plenty of times while it was sitting on the ground at home).

I had to winch myself in a circle, the snow/pulling was hard enough that I stalled the 8274 out about 4 times :eek: I had to keep backing it off and useing the front tires to dig the snow out by spinning them and turning them back and forth.
This is as close as I have to a picture of that stuck, it's bob getting out to laugh at me


Good times :) I got turned around and then bob quickly turned around in my tracks.

It was getting dark so we hurried down to see if we could sink through a muddy field or get buried in some stealth snow drift on the road over to Topliff.


The mud had mostly frozen (whew) but we did find many stealth snow drifts, they were the kind that level off dug in roads :)

We made it to the buildings without too much trouble, bob checked those out and we drove over into the maze of roads in Faust, stopping many times to bs until we were forzen then continuing on. The last stop was supposed to yield some coyote howls but we came up dry :(

We headed home on the back roads through Eagle Mountain, I hit a puddle which coated my windshield instantly with ice so we stopped to let the defrost work... at which time we got "pulled over" by a county sheriff :rofl: He didn't bother to turn his lights on, just got out and inquired to what the hell we were doing, and asked if we were ok :D Nice guy, he asked me if I knew my reg was expired, I said yes... he said ok and left :greg:
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Well-Known Member
Meat, you sure are getting all of the use that you can out of that Ramcharger! It is good to see it getting used for what it was intended. Great photos, keep them coming.



Here's bob's pics

Approaching Little Moab


Little Moab

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Crossing back to the west


One of the buildings at Top Kick

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I absolutely LOVE making Talon open gates.


Bob's poor XJ the next morning



Active Member
Sandy, UT

Sweet pics. If your doing any desert wandering this weekend I'd be interested in going along...mornings preferred. :)




Sweet pics. If your doing any desert wandering this weekend I'd be interested in going along...mornings preferred. :)


I will be. Not sure on the times though.... thinking maybe 10:30 on Saturday and prolly 9 on Sunday IF I don't have to work on Sunday.


Active Member
Sandy, UT
I will be. Not sure on the times though.... thinking maybe 10:30 on Saturday and prolly 9 on Sunday IF I don't have to work on Sunday.

Saturday could work for me, but Sunday likely best. With rain and warm temps in the forecast i'm sure it'll be good slippery and muddy fun. :D

I'll check in on this thread tommorow night to get a better idea.