Destiny Found!


Registered User
Brad said:
:rolleyes: I live within a mile, and I sure as hell don't want my house torn apart without probable cause. I have a feeling the other approximate 2,020 residents within a mile radius feel the same way about their right to privacy and due process as well.

There is no right to privacy, only the HOPE of due process. And for the record I wouldn't want my house searched, but if my kid was missing I'm sure I'd want...


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
ahh the slippery slope of reasonable government intervention.

I guess we're all going to have to wait for the report on how long after he took her that he killed her. Chances seem good that the cops were too late any way you look at it.

And my wife wonders why I don't let our kids out of my sight.


They could search my house top to bottom, rip out every wall if they had to, 'cause if it was my daughter that was missing thats what I'd want them to do to everyone else


toomeymd said:
They could search my house top to bottom, rip out every wall if they had to, 'cause if it was my daughter that was missing thats what I'd want them to do to everyone else

I agree...I'd do the same. But people do have rights to privacy. If you have nothing to hide why not let them, by not letting them would only show signs of foul play in most cases. I say most cases because there is always those few nutcases that think someones out to get them and wouldn't allow a search :spork: .


Registered User
ALF said:
I agree...I'd do the same. But people do have rights to privacy. If you have nothing to hide why not let them, by not letting them would only show signs of foul play in most cases. I say most cases because there is always those few nutcases that think someones out to get them and wouldn't allow a search :spork: .

I most definatly wouldn't allow a search of my property house vehicle etc. etc. without a warrant, under any circumstances. Not only because it is my right, but to protect myself as well.


Registered User
ALF said:
Protect yourself from what? If you aren't doing anything illegal there is nothing to hide

I don't think this is an appropriate place for this discussion. However, regardless whether I am doing something illegal or not, the constitution guarantees me the right against illegal search and seizure(4), like the second ammendment, you have to use your rights to keep your rights.
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78mitsu said:
I don't think this is an appropriate place for this discussion. However, regardless whether I am doing something illegal or not, the constitution guarantees me the right against illegal search and seizure(4), like the second ammendment, you have to use your rights to keep your rights.


Registered User
ALF said:

You're not crazy if they really are out to get you. Are you?

I've had my fair number of run-ins with the pokey, I don't ever give them any more room then they legally have.


Registered User
Finally some backup

Amen!!!! brother glad to see I'm not the only one who's not worried about voluntarily letting my house be searched.But like it was said before all in a perfect world.
I suppose if the police and other government officials never abused their power and never made mistaken accusations or arrests, I would be willing to give them unfettered access to my home and property. Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in.


JUst give me 10 minutes with that sick f**** with my sledge hammer and he will never hurt anyone