Dirt road adventure to Idaho to see the eclipse without getting stuck in I15 traffic?


I really want to see the eclipse, but all sighns point to an absolute cluster**** on the drive there and back. There has to be some dirt road options that can allow me to go and skip the interstate mess. I have yet to sit down with some maps and really start going over a route, but figured that somebody here (Dave Connors? Kurt Williams?) can point me in the right direction.

Heck, if anyone wants to join the adventure, that would be awesome!



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
You could, you know, just like, you know, avoid Idaho and go see the eclipse elsewhere. Just sayin.


Rexburg or Jackson Hole are about centered in the zone of totality. Idaho Falls is about the most southerly place that's reasonably accessible to me. A few gas cans, my dogs, and the basic off road supplies in my Land Cruiser sounds like a great way to spend a couple days anyway, putting a cool destination at the end is the cherry on top.

I've seen eclipses from the side, and it's pretty meh. I have heard enough people say that seeing a total eclipse and actually watching the plasma bursts around the blacked out sun is an entirely different experience. This is close to home, and if I can just plot a decent offroad route, then I get to have a little adventure and cross something off the ol' list.

Cody, I don't think going way east or west is going to avoid any traffic, people are going to jam up all the highways several states wide, making Idaho/West Wyoming the only realistic options that I can consider.


I run a tight ship... wreck
There are some remote & beautiful places in Wyoming that I've been eyeballing, but reality is that I probably won't take the time off to go. Camping at the Green River Lakes would be pretty awesome and it's further out of the way.


Greg, do you have any mapping resources that would be good for me to check out as I try to plot a route? You plan all kinds of rad KTM adventures!


I run a tight ship... wreck
Greg, do you have any mapping resources that would be good for me to check out as I try to plot a route? You plan all kinds of rad KTM adventures!

I usually do my planning with a mix of others trip reports, Benchmark maps and Google Maps... it's worked well for me!

This trip may give you ideas, camping off Greys River Road would also be amazing.... very small road thru about 100 miles of wilderness.



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
We'll be above the green river lakes in Wyoming. I'm hoping i80 won't be as bad as 15. When are you thinking of leaving?


I usually do my planning with a mix of others trip reports, Benchmark maps and Google Maps... it's worked well for me!

This trip may give you ideas, camping off Greys River Road would also be amazing.... very small road thru about 100 miles of wilderness.


Google maps was going to be my main resource, so I really appreciate the link. I'm worried about gates and whatnot that Google won't show me. Thanks Greg!

We'll be above the green river lakes in Wyoming. I'm hoping i80 won't be as bad as 15. When are you thinking of leaving?

I'll cross my fingers for ya, I'll look a little into that direction tomorrow. Just wrapping up with a stupid long day right now, and I'm about to crash hard.

Or watch it on TV. LOL. No crowds, comfort of my couch. No traffic. It'll be nice for a few days to have half of Utah move to Idaho.

I figure that it's like showing people pictures from when you were wheeling, or anything else fun. The pics just never do justice. I need a good wheeling/camping trip anyways. Might as well kill two birds!


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
I am leaving for Smiley Creek, Idaho(between Sun Valley and Stanley, Id) Friday early early AM to do some single track riding in the Mecca. We are planning on coming home Monday after the eclipse or when ever we decide to. Anyone want to join? There is literally no better single track.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I'll be sitting home eating food and waiting for the darkness. I am absolutely not into astronomy at all, but with it this close I think Reddman is right, you might as well get it on and off your bucket list. I think it will all be crazy. If you get to the Lava Hot Springs area, you could go almost all the way to Idaho Falls.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Just a heads up, I-15 in Idaho is a total mess for the next several months. It's down to one lane for paving and other road work for some pretty large sections. I would avoid it at all costs.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Just a heads up, I-15 in Idaho is a total mess for the next several months. It's down to one lane for paving and other road work for some pretty large sections. I would avoid it at all costs.

I have been to a few meetings that the Idot folks have spoken at, they say all of i-15 will be two lanes flowing for the eclipse. All work will be halted during those few days. I'd still avoid it, but construction will not be the problem.

Also, in Bonneville County (Idaho Falls) there is a 100% burn ban. No fires at all until the end of September unless it's in an "approved" campground with fire ring. If you are camping keep that in mind. Fire danger is quite high.


You could go up the Eastern side of the state through Soda Springs/Blackfoot Reservoir/Bone/Idaho Falls. Go through Logon and Preston and you never have to hit I-15. Nice back country. Just gravel road after Soda Springs.


Registered User
Arm Utah
The construction is between Pocatello and Idaho Falls and will be a cluster on Monday and Tuesday.

Just a heads up, I-15 in Idaho is a total mess for the next several months. It's down to one lane for paving and other road work for some pretty large sections. I would avoid it at all costs.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Yep, just you and the other 10,000 people avoiding I15. My guess is that road will be packed also.

You could go up the Eastern side of the state through Soda Springs/Blackfoot Reservoir/Bone/Idaho Falls. Go through Logon and Preston and you never have to hit I-15. Nice back country. Just gravel road after Soda Springs.


Thanks for the suggestions! In other good news, one of my friend asked if he could come, so now I've got a copilot that can take the wheel when I've had enough of it. Conversation will be a bit better than the mutts too.

After some serious time with google maps, I'm really liking how many off highway options there are between Evanston and the Green River Lakes area. I've got "escape" routes planned that involve only rural and forest roads for that whole swath. If I can do highway, I'll take the option of going fast. If not, I'll take the dirt option. I hope Google maps is going to provide good traffic flow info come Monday. That is going to be key in my decision making.

From Evanston to Salt Lake, I think I'm mostly at the mercy of the roads. I've got a few options routed there, but I am sure I'm not the only one eyeing them. At some point highways are the only real option to get back to the middle of the SL valley.


Halfway there in Kemerer right now, grabbing a bite at the Caribou Cafe. No traffic to speak of. Fuel prices are reasonable. Weather is nice.

I think the way home is where challenges may occur, but I think Wyoming was a good call. I'm sure it will be better than SB I-15 come Monday.

Much thanks on the recommendations guys!