Do we need to review THE SUWA LIST?


Registered User
Remember last spring when SUWA published the "Open Letter to Gov. Huntsman"? This letter included over 100 businesses that SUWA claimed had signed the letter in support of their anti-access agenda. If you are like me, you’re starting to think about your fall trip to Moab. It might be good idea to take a look at the list of businesses supporting SUWA before you go. I think we should spend money in local businesses that want us there and avoid those that don't.

I know that the owner of Moabilla actively denied that he had signed on to the letter. I also got emails from Moab Chevron and Moab Property Management claiming they did not intend to be listed on the letter. As far as I know, all the others were on-board with the SUWA folks.

SUWA is actively trying to convince local businesses that they would be better off focusing on the non-motorized community. I say we reward the Moab businesses that appreciate our patronage and respect our sport.

What do you think?


Sandy, Ut
I wouldn't use the letter as a boycott persay, but rather bring the letter up to a place you are visiting and ask them their "opinions" prior to spending your money.

I know many on the list are very pro-SUWA, but there are also some that will sign anything to keep customers walking in the door... they assumed this "letter" was doing just that. We need someone in the area to pound the ground and ask some questions... find out who is "Trail Friendly" :cool:


Registered User
I thought that you guys would be interested to know that this thread made the SUWA newsletter. My boss has a copy of their summer 2005 newsletter and I was thumbing through it and I read the following:

"More than 100 business owners endorsed the letter that appeared in a full page ad in the Salt Lake Tribune on Easter Sunday. Over 70 of those businesses are located in Moab. The ad clearly demostrated the growing breadth of support for balanced managment of Utah's wild landscapes. In fact, a few off-roaders in online discussion groups, alarmed by the long list of businesses, reacted to the non-confrontational letter by targeting the most mainstream supporters with a retaliatory boycott. Fortunately, their efforts fell flat when these same businesses, which rely in no small part on tourism revenues, heard from an even greater number of folks who support their stand for the land. Most of the businesses who signed our open letter to the governor reported that a majority of the comments they received from the public were favorable. This just goes to show that taking a stand in favor of wilderness can be good for business -even in conservative southern Utah."


Registered User
Hi guys. New here. Your on my favorite topic. SUWA.
I think they are trying to reassure the businesses they conned into signing their little "letter". Let the games begin.

If you right click and select "save image as", you should be able to print this on 8.5 x11 paper.

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Registered User
SUWA would only say this in their newsletter if it was having an effect. I got emails from several of the "main stream" businesses that were on the SUWA list and they said they did not support SUWA's anti-access agenda and wished their names were never associated with the ad.

SUWA is telling businesses in Moab that they would be better off without the motor vehicle crowd around. It would be nice to let these businesses survive on hikers alone for their revenue.