Does anyone know why....

Yes exactly. Because in the face of evidence directly contrary to your theory, you still hold to it. Selecting for the narrative you prefer. That's the echo chamber.

I'm sorry I came off harsh. I've always been an asshole, but I'm not stupid. If your theory made sense, then they would have been "protecting" the drop box for everyone, not selectively. So does that fact make me an asshole, or is it that I dared challenge an opinion with a fact contrary to the narrative? Those dipshits aren't helping and They make the rest of the good intentioned conservatives look like idiots. If that's the the way you lean, I'd be furious because it's shit like this that makes everyone in red look like a mouth breathing bafoon.

And maybe I'm overreacting. Not saying you specifically, But I'd like to point out all the people on this site that talk up their big bad game of defending their house and family from a threat and bla bla bla. But when someone tries to physically intimidate my wife, I'm not allowed to be mad about? I'm overreacting because you can identify with the perceived threat? It's these same cowards that spit out that big game of defending themselves, but aren't tough enough to step up to an adult man with a ballot. Sure as shit the 100lb girl was OK to step to. Complete hypocritical cowardice. Just my asshole opinion.

Oh goodie. I was hoping to see one of your long winded responses where you try to flex your intellectual might, practice your linguistic skills, and tell me how wrong I am. Everyone loves a resident know-it-all.

I present you with one possible scenario (that you apparently don’t agree with, (which somehow automatically discredits it) and you go on the offense like a pissed off teenager. You site “evidence to the contrary”..?? Huh??

You can come across as a narcissist Cody, and your posts can come across as smug. In person, I don’t get that vibe, but online... yes, you can be a real asshole.

I’m sorry that your wife had a bad experience. That was uncalled for. For the record, I in NO way agree with what those guys were doing, I was simply trying to help explain it (exactly what you had asked for).
This election is so polarizing to the point where its out of control. Something needs to be done to bring the country together, instead of marginalizing people that don't feel exactly the way others do. In no way should this be happening at the ballot box or the polling stations. That is outright intimidation and completely against the law.
You really "imagine" that? Why is everyone so blinded by their own ****ing echo chambers? You think my wife was somehow more likely to be involved in voter fraud than the guy in front of her? It couldn't be that women, nationally, are far more inclined to vote democrat this year? I bet if my 6'3" 330 lb friend pulled up in a subaru and Biden gear, they wouldn't have gotten out of their vehicles either. Maybe we should test my theory.

I've already voted, but I would swallow my pride and drive a Subaru with Biden stickers in order to test your theory.

I got $5 that says you're right.
I've already voted, but I would swallow my pride and drive a Subaru with Biden stickers in order to test your theory.

I got $5 that says you're right.

Well dammit, I just picked up my Subaru and already voted. Hell if your putting a Biden sticker on my car though even for an experiment.
Good grief. Am I taking a break from RME too?
Leave the BS out of my one place of social peace.

You guys are ruining it.

I was talking to a friend today and brought up that this awesome group that is usually quite easy going and very easy to get along with and does well together is having it out at each other. Feels more like pirate than RME.