DR-Z 70

Thats awesome

My boy grew very dependant on the training wheels. Was riding it like a 4wheeler. He would lean the wrong way when turning because he thought it was fun the back tire would peel out. It was hard for me to not let him have fun tho.

Finally talked him into pulling them off. He really didnt want to. But he picked it up in a couple minutes. Still tips it over here and there but dont we all?

When he ditches the training wheels lets get them together and go for a ride
A boy his age should be able to ride a bike without training wheels.. Spend an afternoon and teach him. The training wheels on the dirt bike are going to teach him all kinds of bad habits that he will have to un-learn when he gets them off.. IMO

Good looking bike!

Edit: there is also a major safety issue with training wheels. He will put his feet down and run his heals over with the bar form the wheels... like on old 3 wheelers. painful.
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Maybe he should be able to ride without, maybe not. I've seen many kids much older than him not able to ride without. I've spent many days working with him, but his interest hasn't been with his bikes. His big thing right now is he doesn't remember to keep on the throttle. As a result, he looses speed and tips over. He'll get it once he becomes familiar/comfortable with the throttle.
My boy never put his feet down. Back to riding it like a quad.

The training wheels did teach bad habits but also was able to let him learn throttle and brake. Id use them again