We go down there, and we're not newbies. Go prepared, or drag your crap home. If you're not prepared, pony up to the local shops to fix your junk, and pay the price.
good point...
We go down there, and we're not newbies. Go prepared, or drag your crap home. If you're not prepared, pony up to the local shops to fix your junk, and pay the price.
So checker is opening in the current Big O building?
How fun... we will be neighbors. I'll give you a discount if you give me one.
I talked to the owner of Big O the other day, and she was all stoked because she is getting ready to retire and had been trying to sell the business for a while with no luck. So apperantly they put up just the building and are selling the equipment separatly. She said that checker bought the building and would be opening up a store there.
All I'll say is GFL. Checker had a store here back in the '70's & early 80's but couldn't make it. Opening right next door to one of the existing parts stores isn't going to help any either.
This isn't going to be your grandpa's parts store ... you can't compare this store to the little parts counter in the back corner of a yellow front store to what you will see when this store opens ... sure it will be tough to figure out the unique situation in Moab. With backing of a multi billion $ of C.S.K. it will be made to work.
How many other stores have asked for your input as to what you want in the store ??? and yes they are listening!! some of the suggestions that have been made are impossible for this company to do. There are several very well thought out suggestions that will be implimented .
keep the comments comming .. thanx
If It is a Checker the most usefull thing would be counter help that know how to get you a part off the shelf without needing to ask what make year and everthing else about the car it goes on. If for example you just want a 12si alternator a counter guy really should know what you are talking about.
every alternator DOES NOT bolt up the same way in each car.
The 12SI was assembled with different clock positions, different pulleys were available, and with different versions of windings that gave them different output ratings. 12SI alternators were built with 56amp, 66amp, 78amp, and 94amp maximum output ratings. (The 78amp was popular as standard equipment on full size car models, and many were built. Quite few high performance and deluxe models of cars also came with the 94amp windings.)
Ya so grab me the 94 amp one and I will clock it to fit. You have missed my whole point. Many wheelers in moab will have many parts on their rigs that they know by what they are not be what exact make and model they come from.
I dream about the counter jockey not being a complete idiot everytime I go to a parts store....All of this really has nothing to do with a dream parts store though if you ask me...