Email from the other side


Formerly Beardy McGee
Email i just recieved from SUWA.. they're scared...

Dear Friend,

The Utah House of Representatives has passed HB 425, “Street-Legal All-Terrain Vehicles,” which would allow ATVs (4-wheelers) to travel on any and all state highways (excluding SL County.) Current state law allows cities and towns to designate certain roads "open" to ATVs, and certain cities have chosen to do so. But HB 425 forces cities and counties throughout the state to allow ATV's on their city streets.

The sponsor of the bill hopes that this law will allow ATVs to drive on claimed RS 2477 rights of way traversing public lands that have been closed to these machines by federal agencies (i.e. on seldom used dirt tracks). Utah’s public lands could be harmed by this bill because it seeks to limit the federal government’s ability to close damaging routes across federal lands.

Click Here or paste into your web browser to send an email to your State Senator and Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. asking that they vote NO on HB 425.

This is a bill we can defeat if we really try. The Off-Road lobby has flooded the Legislature with emails asking for support on this measure. Please help us send a message of opposition.

For the Red Rock,

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Grassroots

P.S. You’ll notice a few changes at We’ve upgraded our site and added a number of new features, including personal profiles, and a new, more effective Alert system.


Giver of bad advice
I hope to never get an email from these folks... If they are like the California greenies I left, Ewwww, I just can't stand unwashed hemp clothed freaks...

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
It's good to see "them" on the defensive for a change. I think it shows what we can do when the 4x4 community starts becoming involved. Let's keep the pressure on and show them we mean business.

I believe SUWA's response to this bill shows why it is so important.