Epic food porn

My wife is asking the same. Maybe this weekend

She really wants a brisket but with the damn quarantine we can’t host a party and it’s party food :)
We aren't really a bacon family and I've never had pork belly like in the pic above. I feel like I need to try it though.

It's an experience, if you don't like the chunky, thick layers of fat that pork belly offers, you may not be a fan. The first time I had pork belly, I was a bit put off. It has a mix of chewy bits with soft, buttery fat layered in. If you can get over that, well made pork belly burnt ends will make you smile with every bite.
I'm not saying that bacon isn't good. I'll eat it occasionally but its not something I go out of my way for. Like at the jailhouse cafe in moab. I know they have killer bacon so I'll order some but otherwise I just don't eat it a ton. I won't get a bacon cheeseburger at the drive through because their "bacon" is like eating bacon flavored chips. My wife won't eat it and my kid is picky so he hasn't been willing yet either. So, thats what it mean to be "not really a bacon family."

I like the thick stuff when its a little chewy.
I'm not saying that bacon isn't good. I'll eat it occasionally but its not something I go out of my way for. Like at the jailhouse cafe in moab. I know they have killer bacon so I'll order some but otherwise I just don't eat it a ton. I won't get a bacon cheeseburger at the drive through because their "bacon" is like eating bacon flavored chips. My wife won't eat it and my kid is picky so he hasn't been willing yet either. So, thats what it mean to be "not really a bacon family."

I like the thick stuff when its a little chewy.

Bacon cheeseburger from where? We supply to quite a few fast food places. They spec their bacon as they want it done. Spices, smoke time, cut thickness, "cook" level (if precooked), etc. Astro, Crown, Atlantis and Apollo burger have "good" bacon my mind. Sometimes it's cooked how I like it, other times it's a little chewy for my taste. Everyone likes their bacon a little differently cooked.

Traditional "fast food" places, Wendy's, McDonald's (I don't buy there...not sure what they're bacon is like), etc, I've not had "good" bacon from. It's tolerable but not fantastic at all.
I started with this

And this

With pork loin like this

And put it in here overnight

This morning I started this

It'll smoke all day and ill let you know how it turns out. Trying something new. Straight Apple Juice marinade with the seasoning on the meat. I'm hoping it helps these lean loins stay moist.
Update. It didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped. Loin is too lean and always turns out dry for me. I'll have to keep experimenting.


Great smoke ring and flavor though.
What temp? pork loin/tenderloin is really easy to dry out. I smoke tenderloin at about 220 until it hits about 145* then wrap with foil and insulate and rest for 20 min.
This ends up very pink and very moist (insert comment here). USDA says any meat at 145 for 15 min is safe. This is the best way I've found to cook pork loin. It is amazing. That said, so many people have been told all their lives that pink pork is bad. Not so.
I tried this with chicken, 145* for 30 min. Awful, maybe safe, but just tasted raw.....
What temp? pork loin/tenderloin is really easy to dry out. I smoke tenderloin at about 220 until it hits about 145* then wrap with foil and insulate and rest for 20 min.
This ends up very pink and very moist (insert comment here). USDA says any meat at 145 for 15 min is safe. This is the best way I've found to cook pork loin. It is amazing. That said, so many people have been told all their lives that pink pork is bad. Not so.
I tried this with chicken, 145* for 30 min. Awful, maybe safe, but just tasted raw.....
This is exactly what I was going to say. I like to pull the meat out 5° below the temperature your looking to achieve, because it will continue to rise after you take it off the smoker. I like to let my meat rest a long time. I’ll wrap it in foil, wrap that in towels, and stick it in a cooler. It will stay hot for hours that way.
I took it to 165 per the recipe book and thermometer recommendation. I will try 145 and rest it longer next time.
They're a little pricey, but the ThermaPen thermometers are really nice