Report Expedition Overland

I like going on Expedition Utah to view trip reports. But sometimes I can't view the pics since I'm not registered. Lol

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Wow, after about five hours on expedition portal last night i think i am starting to understand this kind of adventure. We used to do this all the time but, we never called it expedition overlanding. Just simple load up the truck and family and drive til you wanted to camp. We just called it car camping back in the day.

For some reason I thought it was way more involved than it is. At any rate, thank y'all a bunch for all the help and ideas. Some years from now, when my babies are older, I want to drive the Alcan highway from start to finish.


Most of what people do is car camping. They just like sounding fancy and call it an expedition or overlanding. A real Expedition is like Shackleton going to the South Pole or Darwin in the Galapagos. Overlanding is Expedition Overland or Long Way Round. Of course, this is all debatable. Basically, like Dave said, just pack up what you've got, call it what you want and have fun exploring.
That's for sure! I signed up yesterday and was surprised at how much more content was available after registering lol.
No, no, no, no, no!

Throw whatever stuff you have now into whatever you drive now and go camping/exploring with it. You probably don't actually need another dang thing, let alone a different vehicle, to get as deep into car camping as you'll ever really want to. But if you find yourself wishing you had more crap, or a particular piece of crap, or a special way of carrying that crap, then go ahead and buy it or build it or whatever.

I swear... I'm just about worn slick by people getting EXCITED to go car camping, then thinking they have to spend a year getting ready. Just pick a spot on the map, then throw your shit in and go!


Ditto, just do it
Some how I missed the whole Yukon adventure. I wish these fellas would put out videos faster. Does anyone know where the yukon videos are?


??? This is the season premier 'teaser' for their Yukon/AK adventure. Each of the following 6? episodes will be from AK/YK. You didn't miss anything :D
Awesome. Makes me wanna go out and do something.

Do it... while AK or international adventures have their obvious flair, there are epic trips waiting to happen all over Utah and the west and a reliable 4x4 is all you need. Save some gas money, take a week off work and circumnavigate Utah or follow the Pony Express from Wyoming to California.
This is the reason why I never travel anywhere alone:

Missing Manhattan, Kan. man found dead in van in Utah ravine

Hard to guess would could have saved him. Vehicle tracking? Sat phone? HAM radio? A friend there? I wouldn't let that situation scare one off from solo travel rather let it guide you as to how to be more prepared. We don't know how long he lived nor how long he might have lived if help were there, might be a moot point?