Expedition Utah Quarterly Trail Ride: Pony Express Trail

Awesome. Lifted Suby's are sweet.

Different. Generally speaking its better, but you're also not humming along the road up North Fork at 40mph or better (usually) and its not ~130 miles long.

Ah, you said "usually", cuz 40 is about the speed I like to go up there (in certain, safe places) when stockers aren't in the way. 'course, I think the time you rode with me up there we bounced along at 10mph in the eXcursion. Which will be my son and I on Saturday. We'll have to air down to 40 or so to give us a nice cushy ride. Maybe 35 :eek2:

I imagine my work stupercrew would be about the best rig to take on this ride, but that would be pushing privileges a bit, so it will stay at home.

I did manage to pick up a CB radio, good buddy, so we'll be able to ratchet jaw with y'all.
Well the wife decided to get sitting #2 done on her back tonight and refuses to sit in a car for 8 hours tomorrow so I am out...
Jenn, Grayson and I had a great time. Sorry I had to be "That guy". Thanks everyone for helping me with the trooper.

That tire is shot. I broke it down today and the bead was clean. I filled it back up to 55 psi and within ten seconds it catastrophically blew out the bead.