Northern Utah Expedition Utah Quarterly Trail Ride: West Desert Wanderings


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I hope this water isn't a big issue since my snorkel isn't functional yet. That road into eureka is the flood that killed me last time


Active Member
Salt Lake City
last min event I have to attend tonight.. if someone has data reception, post the coord of the camp, or directions from the cemetery. I can join in you tomoorow.. if no then, dang!


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I hope this water isn't a big issue since my snorkel isn't functional yet. That road into eureka is the flood that killed me last time

I just got a fancy new snatch strap.. If you have a problem call me! No one else out there will be capable to tow you :rofl:


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I'm glad I couldn't go.. Who would want to be out camping and exploring on such a calm, perfect night??

Right here working is where I wan to be!


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I had a thing come up last minute that I needed to back for tomorrow morning so I bailed at about seven tonight. It was a ton of fun and I saw lots of neat things I had never been to before. We ended up staying up dead canyon a little south of simpson springs since half of that campground was blocked off. Today we headed south on the PET and out to Topaz Mountain for some hounding then to the relocation camp and finally into Delta to top our fuel tanks off. After that we zipped out west with a couple stops and they pitched camp up Granite Canyon in the Deep Creeks. It was super neat up there and we all wanted to go farther but couldn't due to a locked gate.

I know the other guys took lots of pics and I'm sure one of them will do a great trip report but I thought I'd pop in and share where we ended up. I just got back but I already can't wait for the next trip.


Active Member
Ill attend the next one for sure.. the jeep will be done and it will be warmer im not so much a fan of the cold