Facebook UWA (SUWA) vs Take Back Utah


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
It's because they pay to advertise.. They also trick people .. Just yesterday I had to explain to a friend it's public lands she wants. An how Suwa is evil .. She quickley unliked there page


Well-Known Member
I'm curious what this means to most people? I know social networking sites are serious business, but do they advertise that they have 27K likes? Do you think it changes people's opinions at the polls? I'm genuinely curious if you think having 27K likes influences people to side with them on issues that are not based in the virtual world?


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
I'm curious what this means to most people? I know social networking sites are serious business, but do they advertise that they have 27K likes? Do you think it changes people's opinions at the polls? I'm genuinely curious if you think having 27K likes influences people to side with them on issues that are not based in the virtual world?

I have three friends who clicked on uwa just because they thought they were saving Utah! One is a moto x rider of all things. They just didn't understand what they were supporting. UWA advertises on facebook, this all leads to raising funds to fight the very thing most of us are all against, making more Utah lands wilderness designated. (aka unaccessable to motor vehicles) Trust me, I am no social site guru, however every little bit helps when it comes to propaganda and Utah law makers. I can see them looking at this as some kind of evidence to judge support for one side or the other!


somewhat damaged
Info is power. Everybody who has friends on their propaganda list should post up and share the fact that they are being lied to.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
"Hey XXXX, I noticed that you have "liked" Utah Wilderness. I wanted to give you a little info to make sure that you wanted to like them. Utah Wilderness is the same as SUWA (southern Utah Wilderness Association. They claim to want to protect our lands and keep them safe (as any good person would want) but the way they accomplish this is by making them legal "wilderness", which only lets people on foot access them.
These are the same people that kicked our farmers and cattle ranchers off of their land in southern Utah, because the lands became legal "wilderness".
Disabled persons needing wheel chairs, or motor vehicles to help them see our lands are banned from "wilderness" areas. People who like to bicycle in the back country are also banned from "wilderness". Nothing with a motor is allowed in "wilderness".
SUWA want to prevent folks from access to OUR PUBLIC LAND..
Other groups, such as "Take Back Utah", "USA-ALL", "Utah 4 wheel drive association", and others promote taking care of our public lands, while allowing it's citizens to use the land.
I agree with you that keeping our lands clean and protected is the right thing to do, but only if we can still use them. SUWA does not want us to be able to use them like we should.
Hope this info was helpful!

How's that?


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Let's go to the zoo and count how many Unicorns are on display. About as valuable use of time.

"Oh my goodness Brian! Thank you so much for your information!
Yucky! I "liked" it because, like you said, they supported BSA's "leave no trace." But I don't agree with them that they shouldn't allow people to use there. OH MY!
I will admit, I am for restricted areas on 4 wheel drives... But, I think that if they are able to keep a certain area to limited use it would be better.

How did you find out about this stuff?? I will go take it off. THANKS BRIAN!! Are you an advocate for a group?

I'm big into Boy Scouts....haha so I just "liked" them because they supported "leave no trace" But I apologize for my lack of knowedge! My mom would be ashamed... "

Unicorn found and counted!


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
Let's go to the zoo and count how many Unicorns are on display. About as valuable use of time.

maybe you should get on pirate if you wanta be a prick atleast we are trying!

yes its a social network.. but that means lots of people .. that means lots of people getting the impression if they dont join suwa utahs wilderness will all be turned into parking lots


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
  • Talia Wilson Well apparently they did a good job at tricking me! I am un-liking them right now!Monday at 1:02pm · Like

  • James Blackburn Good job don't feel bad your not the first person who got tricked by them

so thats two less people supporting them.. what did you do today to help scoutabout..
  • Talia Wilson Well apparently they did a good job at tricking me! I am un-liking them right now!Monday at 1:02pm · Like

  • James Blackburn Good job don't feel bad your not the first person who got tricked by them

so thats two less people supporting them.. what did you do today to help scoutabout..

A reduction in Facebook likes by .007% doesn't equate to two less supporters. Furthermore, that result was far less valuable than the 45 minutes I spent on the phone talking about land use, since you asked. Not saying that the discussion was a ground breaking brainstorm, but certainly more worthwhile than reducing facebook likes by .007%. Since you asked. But don't let me be the fly in your cheerios. We've all got to start somewhere.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
TBU has done a good job rallying certain enthusiast and industry groups to the cause but has not reached out as effectively to the average joe on the street in UT or elsewhere. Some dude in NJ probably forgot UT was a state before he heard about it from SUWA, and what does he care if some rancher can't find grazing land... he gets steak and the supermarket on the corner! Nationally, everyone can look at UT and say yeah... that junk needs to be protected. TBU deals with issues most outside of the borders couldn't care less about... even enthusiasts on RME don't all agree with TBU.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
A reduction in Facebook likes by .007% doesn't equate to two less supporters. Furthermore, that result was far less valuable than the 45 minutes I spent on the phone talking about land use, since you asked. Not saying that the discussion was a ground breaking brainstorm, but certainly more worthwhile than reducing facebook likes by .007%. Since you asked. But don't let me be the fly in your cheerios. We've all got to start somewhere.

I am curious why you are on the internet now? What a waste time.
I am curious why you are on the internet now? What a waste time.

Just trying to stay abreast of all the latest innovations in motorized access protection by following this thread. Dickish? Sure. But don't let me dissuade you or anyone else from pursuing something that you think is worthwhile.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Just trying to stay abreast of all the latest innovations in motorized access protection by following this thread. Dickish? Sure. But don't let me dissuade you or anyone else from pursuing something that you think is worthwhile.

Here is the latest "worthless" post on the Take Back Utah FB page.

Take Back Utah

Volunteer? Price BLM and Carbon County OHV Club are planning a Trail Project for on January 20th and 21st (Friday and Saturday). "Below the Reef" trail. - They are waiting for a weather report to finalize the date....

Like · · Share · 11 · 46 minutes ago ·


Here is the latest "worthless" post on the Take Back Utah FB page.

Take Back Utah

Volunteer? Price BLM and Carbon County OHV Club are planning a Trail Project for on January 20th and 21st (Friday and Saturday). "Below the Reef" trail. - They are waiting for a weather report to finalize the date....

Like · · Share · 11 · 46 minutes ago ·

No one says facebooks posts are worthless. But posted Saturday night? This announcement was in the Price BLM december newsletter and I think the date for the project was set a couple weeks before that. Instead of going after people who "liked" SUWA on Facebook, I might suggest that a better application of effort would be to volunteer to publicize this type of information more broadly and timely. But I'm just throwing tortillas from the stands.

well you win scoutabout..i threw in my towel good job bud

Quitting is the only true way to fail. I didn't win, SUWA's facebook page won.