Feeler; Old school or Oldman reunion :)

Didn't that one start out using vbulletin too? I think I remember it had a static html page for a while with some images... I specifically remember your Toyota being on there. if my memory doesn't fail me. I'm pretty sure I registered then didn't come back for a while, but when I did I couldn't log in so I re-registered. Man that was over 11 -12 years ago.

Yeah, a unlicensed copy of vB with questionable hosting... it's a wonder the site stayed around as long as it did!
If you were an extremist, then you were truly old-school... since we lost the site and started over, the current 'beginning' count doesn't reflect those extremist days.

The Rocky Mountain Extremists were circa- December 2000 to about Oct-Nov 2000, IIRC?

I don't know if I was here then or not. I think so, I know you had problems at first and I was here before the date listed on my avatar.
Any way to pull up who was registered with the OG site? I'm pretty sure I was one o them. At least, I remember Greg posting up on PBB about his new site. :laughing:
Couldn't pull anything up so who were the 35 extremists?????

Yeah, the WayBack machine just captures screen shots... you can't actually use the site.

If I sat down and thought about it, I could probably come up with about half of the names... but I don't have time for that.