This is the closure you are referring to, from Alan:
I hope you've all had a great summer.
I received a letter from the BLM over the weekend informing us of the Manning Canyon Remediation of Arsenic Contaminated Mill and Mine Tailings in Utah County. Please pass along the following information to your clubs and fellow 4wheelers.
This site is located in the Oquirrh Mountains approximately 40 miles south of SLC and 3 miles south of Cedar Fort off state highway 73. The closure will be for approximately 3 years while hazardous materials are cleaned up. Access to the canyon along the existing Lewiston and Manning Canyon County Roads will be closed to the public until the end of the project. The area
will be reopened for public use after completion.
For more information contact Tim Ingwell at the BLM Field Office- (801) 977-4353 or Jack Brown at the BLM State Office (801) 539-4064.
Thank you,
Alan Taylor
President, U4WDA