Fog Light Wiring Help


Well-Known Member
Need some help with wiring a set of Lightforce lights. A while back I picked up a JDM Scion fog light switch (see below) and I'm trying to figure out how to wire the 2-wire for the LF lights to the 4-wire switch I picked up.

Lightforce Installation Instructions:

The last time I wired up a set of lights it was to the Toyota rocker style switch. So I'm a little confused on this one. I've read though a number of threads on a couple of Scion sites but I'm still confused.

The lights will be wired indepently from any other lights.
I assume the two Ls are for the light inside the switch. If that is the case wire your 12 V pos and L pos together to an ignition pos. Then you need to ground the L neg to a good ground spot. Last is the 12V out that needs to go to power a relay.
No relay needed. The switch wire for the LF relay should come from your 12V out. Your 12V in should come from either a hot 12V, keyed 12V, lights 12V or highbeam 12V depending on how you wish to set it up. All should use a 2A fuse on the 12V in line. The ground can either come from another switch under the dash or direct from the batter or ground used by the LF relay. The L+ needs to tap into a neighboring switch light lead (Toyota is usually green), that way the illumination works when you turn on your lights.
Need some help, kind of stump on this.
First off I’m not using the Scion fog light switch, insteadI’m using the Toyota rocker style switch like I used in my old 4runner.

So last night I complete the wiring and get the lightsworking and go out for a little drive to grab a drink. When I get back to myplace I flip the switch to make sure none of the connectors had come lose. I goto flip the switch and I get jack so I figured I’d check the wiring. Sureenough I didn’t have two of the connectors crimp enough so they came lose. I goahead and disconnect the wiring from the battery to reconnect the two wiresthat had come lose and go to reconnect the wiring back to the battery only toget sparks.

I’ve gone back though checked all the connectors, checkedfor any frayed/damaged wires and check the grounds and found no problems. Sowhat’s going on here?

This is the switch that I’m using and one of the write-upsthat I’m using along with the Lightforce wiring diagram:
The brown wire in the light force harness I have tied inwith the yellow wire at the battery and then ran to the middle prong with theblack/red wire connected to the bottom prong with the ground being at the topand grounded to the firewall.

In my last 4runner I had it wired the same way and didn’thave this problem.