For Goat and Jen, and other proponents of private parks. :D


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Here's why I don't want them to become the norm:

All good things must come to an end. So it goes with Katemcy Rocks. We learned last week that we are losing our lease effective June 30, 2009. The trust department that has handled Jack Hays estate notified us that the property was not going to be leased to us again. The son who inherited the property has decided he wishes to use the property exclusively for his family, as is his right. They may eventually build a home on the property.
All the scheduled events we have listed before July will be held as planned. Events scheduled after July will be moved up if time and logistics work out. We will be posting them up on our website as things come together.
We are actively working on other possible land opportunities, but these are distant chances. Consequently, if you want to wheel at Katemcy before its closed, you need to do so on or before June 13-14, 2009.

We currently have five more events scheduled before we must close:
1. March 19-22Lone Star Landcruiser's Round up (closed event)
2. April 24-26 Lone Star Early Bronco's Roundup (closed event)
3. May 2-3 Baertrax's & Trail Duty's Customer Appreciation runs (open event)
4. May 23-25 Memorial Day Weekend Blowout (our last one - open event)
5. June 13-14 Texas's “Summer Run V” (open event – the last at Katemcy)
If there is enough interest, we may cancel our Moab Easter Jeep Safari trip and schedule one more open event on April 4-5. As it stands, Texas's “Summer Run V” will be our last event at Katemcy Rocks.
It has been an honor and privilege to wheel with you on this property for the past eight (8) years. We have met so many friends through the years and hope to see all of you back here at the Rocks before we close.
Happy Trails,
Randy, Shain, Pam, Casey, Jessica, Juanita, Jerry and Elaine


Well-Known Member
Thats what sucks about private land, someone with too much money could always snatch it up for private use...

(not what happened in this story, just an example)


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
That's a drag. It however, has been coming for awhile and doesn't change my opinion. There are several new ranches that have opened up around the area that will be nice.

Survival of the fittest as they say. True capitalism. Subsidized land would be GASP...........just like socialism:greg:


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This was posted by "4X4 Club" in England and is what we have to look forward to unless we start making a difference now.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]News...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You may have noticed from our diary dates that we are not doing a trip to Welsh Wales this year. The reason for this is that our usual venue has now ceased offroad activities. This is rumored to be due to sponsorship from one of the countryside organization who appear to be paying for fences to go up and for the land to be returned to natures way.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What ever the reason it means that we are denied our usual activities, so we have been phoning around and have looked at a comparable site which due to the fact it is mostly used by motorbikes the cost worked out at about £175 per vehicle for the week. This price is obviously unacceptable and unfortunately left us with no place to go this year for our long trip.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]However every cloud has a silver lining and this gives us the opportunity to fir in another visit to Owens place in North Yorkshire. We will continue our search for somewhere next year.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Also in this newsletter you will see information for some of the off road shows coming up. If you would like to use a club pass for any event and man the club stand the give me a call. Priority will be given to those that have helped out with training and corporate days. Incidentally I am still looking for volunteers to complete the day on February 25th at Tixover. [/FONT]


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
This is another example of things to come. The UK is 94,600 sq. mi., the US 9,161,923, and Utah 2000. Maybe we had better hope the land stays in Federal ownership if there is some way we can keep the Public in Public lands.

I almost forgot. It costs 35 pounds ($58) to join and events are 50 pounds ($82.50) to participate. We are deffinitly spoiled and want to stay that way.

Welcome to the official UK website of the All Wheel Drive Club

The club was formed in 1968 to allow people to use their off road vehicles regardless of make or model
Today the club has around 2000 members making it the largest all-makes off road club in the UK
Club members organise events all year round to allow others to put their vehicles through their paces
All events are organised on private land and are permitted and insured by the Motorsports Association
Visitors and spectators are welcome at all events and there are no charges for admittance
If you own a 4x4 or other off-road vehicle and would like to take it off-road the best place to start is at one of our Drive Rounds, here you will find non-damaging courses laid out that will familiarise you with your vehicle's and your own capabilities
If you are interested in competing in your vehicle the club offers a broad spectrum of disciplines including Trials, Challenge and Safaris. To find out more about each of these please follow the links to the right
Club members receive a full colour magazine every two months and a newsletter outlining forthcoming events each month
Please explore the rest of this site to find out more about the club and the benefits of becoming a member
Last edited:


Sandy, Ut
I'm a proponent of private parks for uses that are not necessarily in line with the general uses of public land, ie Rock-Crawling competitions, heavy concentration hunting, motocross, etc. Nothing wrong with a private entity wanting to step up and make a 'haven' for their clientele. That is not to say these activities are not appropriate for some public lands, in fact they are right at home in some areas.

However this should have absolutely nothing to do with our public lands and our ability to use and recreate on them. Think OHV use is going away, take hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, ranching with it. Not going to happen, especially in our lifetimes. Even the most radical approaches such as the ARWA's 9+ million acres while crippling the motorized community doesn't go as far as to suggest all these activities should take place on private land. Thankfully the BLM can only find ~2 million acres of Wilderness in Utah ;)


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Timely response LOL

Subsidized land kind of fits a representative democracy. User fees satisfy capitalism LOL

Besides the bantering, the purpose for posting this was to indicate that Shain found a new area, and K-rock is reopening. Did you click the link:p

Most of the wheeling parks in Texas double as hunting grounds as well.


Sand Pile
St George Utah
They may be only able to find 2 million acres for wilderness. But they have and will continue to designate land as wilderness that does not meet the criteria. A perfect example of that would be Caanan Mtn. No way does it meet the criteria! Now that they have it you will never be able to legally recreate by motorized means on Caanan mtn. Although we still continue to do rescues up there several times each year. Maybe we should close it make sure no one gets hurt!


Sandy, Ut
They may be only able to find 2 million acres for wilderness. But they have and will continue to designate land as wilderness that does not meet the criteria. A perfect example of that would be Caanan Mtn. No way does it meet the criteria! Now that they have it you will never be able to legally recreate by motorized means on Caanan mtn. Although we still continue to do rescues up there several times each year. Maybe we should close it make sure no one gets hurt!

I hear you loud and clear, my comment was 'tongue in cheek' to the situation happening all over the state regarding Wilderness and the FLPMA guidelines.