Forest Fenn's Treasure Hunt - RME Style


But stuck more often.
As I have gone with my kids in there

And with our treasure bold

We can keep the secret where

And hint of booty that won’t be sold

Begin it in a place like Tortuga you’ll strive

A tiny see just east, larger see a bit north, high see just west

Just inside a spot of land where the troubled don’t rest

You’re now not too close but too close to drive

Put in above the home of Brown

The end is drawing nigh you will not tire

You’ll need no paddle you’re just out of town

Face roughly 90 degrees from the refiners’ fire

You might be blocked so around you go

Probably best if you take it slow

Up to the rocks with your kids in tow

The beauty of the view amaze but the booty in spire below

If you’ve been wise you’ll find our stain

Dig quickly down your quest to cease

But tarry scant you may hear a train

Just take the booty and go in peace

So why is it that I must bound

And leave my trove for RME to reap

Fenns treasure has been found

But adventure we must keep

So hear me all and listen well

Report back with your tale to tell

If you are brave and think real hard

We give you title to the card

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I'll play. Between "Tortuga" and "home of Brown" we gotta be talking about Browns Hole, and if we're paddling we're on the green. But I don't have the reference to refiners fire yet.
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But stuck more often.
I guess since Forest Finn gave some insight I'll do the same.

-There is a real treasure hidden.
-This is intended to be easyish, ie found in a couple days at most.
-UT410 put the idea in my head to do this ON MONDAY! (I've worked almost 40 hours since Monday)
-Kevin, you and only one other are who I have my money on finding it.
-Everything I have written or will write in this thread should be examined for clues.

Go find it!!!

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser

The "See" refers to the Cyprus High C's, on the school and the mountain. From there we go to Pleasant Green cemetery.
Home of brown, with me "put in" above it:IMG_20200611_200734481_HDR.jpg
Looking up to the rocks:IMG_20200611_200057748_HDR.jpg
Beauty of the view:
Looking back at the spire:
The stain:
The booty
Thanks Josh, that was fun! :cool:


But stuck more often.
That's awesome. Carl, you were the other guy we had money on. We figured both of you would just assume I'd stay in Magna so the clues would be easier for you guys.

You left out some parts though:

Did you find the home of Brown?
Kevin was hung up on the refiners fire. You must have figured that out?

The tiny see actually referred to the small retaining pond to east of the cemetery and the larger see referred to the tailings pond to the north, but could have been thought of as the Salt Lake as well. The high see was the Cyprus C on the mountain.

Rereading your post I think you may have misunderstood the home of Brown. Just as you enter the cemetery there is a pretty large plot belonging to the Brown family. Probably 4-5 headstones in it. This was pure coincidence and we got super lucky that we were able to use that line from the original poem, slightly modified to be "above" instead of "below". Above the "home" is just a small two track that you can stand on while figuring out the next clue.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I didn't find the Brown's graves. We figured it was something like that, but when we didn't run across it I thought you must have meant that little brown building. :)

Refiner's fire--the flares at the refineries in NSL? I figured that was to orient us facing East-ish, to get us out the gate.

We were wrong about 2 of the 3 "sees", but got to the right place in the end. Task failed successfully! :D


But stuck more often.
Yes, you did great. We knew that going into it not all the clues would be needed. I just hoped someone wouldn't see the "spire" while driving up to the cemetery and skip all that part.

The refiners fire refers to the Kennecott refinery. From the cemetery it's just about over the C mountain. If you face it and turn 90* you'll look right at the rock formation. Then you have to walk around the cemetery fence to get up there.

Originally I found a spot just northwest of the cemetery to hide the booty on google maps. There is a railroad that goes under a road leading up the mountain. I was going to have you walk through the cemetery which drops into a canyon. Then go up the canyon to the rail road and follow it to the over pass. It all looked great from google.
I didn't see the big fence around the cemetery and didn't realize the "small" canyon actually had like 30' cliff walls to it. Then the road and tracks were on Kennecott property so no go. It's too bad too. The poem was much better and smoother. I had to rewrite half of it at the cemetery while we looked for a new place to hide it. Oh well. We had fun.

So, who's up next?!?!?!? I want to find one now. Let's keep this adventure going.