Four Wheeler Trail ride on the Snakes

Hey mitch, I also have an extra set of rear shafts for you if you break. I cant use them any more, and they are still bundled under my spare tire.

Im going to load up on water and ice as well.
Im Ready..... Im Ready.....
Im Ready.....
Im Ready.....
Im Ready.....
Im Ready.....
Im Ready..... :p

That would be funny if your kids watch Sponge Bob...:laughing:
Im on the trailer! It was a long week getting ready, but here goes nothing!

It sucks I still havent fixed the crew cab tow rig.
Due to unseen issues, we are not going to make it today, Good Luck and lots of Fun to everyone. Have a safe trip, and make sure you post pictures, for all to see. Thanks anyway. Now one more stragler can go..
so lets say 40 to 50 of you guys out there and no one can post any pitures.
hear a white jeep rolled at waynes and some riped the rear end out on the water fall.
some one still all your camras
It was a long day with a tired group. There was 2 badly damaged rear suspensions on eagles next, a flop on waynes world, others were a broken driveshaft cv joint, front axle shaft, spider gears, electrical gremlins, etc. Awesome day.

But the trip report will have to wait. Im headed out to work on mine...

Those who wanted pictures badly, should have came out in the sun with us and taken some!

I put my camera away early, just wasnt interested in taking pics.
pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pixpixpix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pixpix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pixpix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pixpix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix
Reminder, I need PM or emails form everyone who was there with their name and rig info so that we can get them into the mag. Also if you have video clips send then to me so that they can go into the YouTube videos I am making.

send clips and pictures to

Thanks, it was fun, very fun.