Funny video thread...


I run a tight ship... wreck
I love the random singing thru the video...

"I am home... I got home inside my heart, THAT is home!"

"Oh no, no no, no no... You've got to watch out for that out there. MOM, you almost hit the Unicorn!!"

"Mom, I'm leaking again and I don't know what it means!"

*sobbing* "I just want to know who built the Ocean.... "

"Ohhh, we're going to hang out with the Locks of Gold!"

"Dad, there is a mermaid that lives in there! Can she be my girlfriend?"

"Dang right we're almost home... we're in the middle of Utah!"

"Oh we're in the space ship!" "Max and Lexi??! Are they going to Mars with me?"

"I want a girlfriend Mom... where's my girlfriend?"

Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
I thought this was pretty funny.



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
This doesn't count as "funny", more like 'What are you thinking you dumb retard!!!!!'
