girlfiend or jeep?


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Supporting Member
If she is crazy, there really isn't a decision to be made.

Not to burst your bubble, but every female is crazy. Period. Any female that doesn't agree with this is being unrealistic--and isn't the denial of reailty a form of crazy in and of itself?

It's just a matter of avoiding the ones that are batshit crazy, and trying to find one who's craziness seems to mesh with our inherent assholeness. Some girls idle at a 6, some at a 2. Risk reward ;)


Active Member
Gooding, Id
yeah my wife talks me outta of it everytime i get the crazy notion to sell my ring in my head. I think it's cause she know's I'll just find another money pit.


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
im no pro on relationships, but what i learned is you need to put her in her place. tell her the jeep is staying unless its a matter of a life and death or for your familys well beeing. sense you to are not married yet tell her this is how it is.

keep the jeep. lots of girls out there. might find one that loves your jeep as much as you.

or tell her ill get rid of it if you buy me a NEW car :greg:


Sandy, Ut
Darrell, an extremely illustrious character and often extremely crude and vulgar helped shape much of my early twenty somethings... Whenever the subject of women came up he was quick to point out "they all suck the life out of you, some just suck it a little slower, you marry that one". Life is too short to ditch your hobbies altogether, I can understand some compromises and priorities, but relationships enter turmoil stage one when hobbies and outside interests are removed as a valid activity in a healthy relationship. Fwiw if Candace told me the rigs had to go, I'd kick her to the curb and her FJ45 would stay with me :D


Evanston WY
I regret to say that I cannot answer this question due to the fear that some day I may come home and MY jeep will be sold...........and HER jeep will still be sittin' pretty in the driveway.;)


I agree with Amy, you shouldnt have to choose..but you also have to try and understand what her "Jeep" is and decide if you can tolerate her hobbie too. that is when looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with..if your lucky she will be into the same things as you.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I always look at the hotness to annoyance ratio. The less hot she is, the less crap I'm going to take. As I have gotten older, I've also added a sliding scale "earning potential ratio". For example, if she can make a 6 figure income she can get some hotness credits.

It is my opinion that you can always learn to love, get the score card balanced first.


Registered User
I did not ever say that

Darrell, an extremely illustrious character and often extremely crude and vulgar helped shape much of my early twenty somethings... Whenever the subject of women came up he was quick to point out "they all suck the life out of you, some just suck it a little slower, you marry that one". Life is too short to ditch your hobbies altogether, I can understand some compromises and priorities, but relationships enter turmoil stage one when hobbies and outside interests are removed as a valid activity in a healthy relationship. Fwiw if Candace told me the rigs had to go, I'd kick her to the curb and her FJ45 would stay with me :D

I said they all suck, just some suck better than others.:rofl: