Going full retard

Am I not expo since I have no idea who Peter Atwood is?

I'm really trying hard not to make fun of the way the guy in the video talks, but given the content, it's killing me.

I've got a friend that's in my department at school that is deaf but can still talk and communicate with the rest of us just fine. He talks exactly like the person in the video, so I'm willing to bet that's what's going on here. If I didn't know Tyler (the deafie) I would be agreeing with you.
You guys are forgetting the most important part of the whole thing. It doesn't come with just one but two O-rings. Now that just the icing on the cake. It makes it worth every penny IMO.
Not if your customer base consists of 1 guy on youtube.

I would be able to sleep better if that were the case, but it's not. This guy (Peter Atwood) sells out of everything he makes in less than a day. Maybe these people think he is the Peter of the bible and that they are buying tools made by an apostle. Even then they are overpriced!
oh man.... i should of been down stairs watching teen mom 2 with my girlfriend than finding this thread and watching that video...... that mans voice is the most annoying thing ive heard in a long time.. would like to give that guy a high five..... in the face..... with a chair.....
oh man.... i should of been down stairs watching teen mom 2 with my girlfriend than finding this thread and watching that video...... that mans voice is the most annoying thing ive heard in a long time.. would like to give that guy a high five..... in the face..... with a chair.....

Entertaining response....