Good ole fashioned argument time, I mean debate

How do we end the "war on drugs"?[/QUOTE

Legalizing marijuana at the federal level and give the power to the states to decide would be a great start. Which I'm not sure it will do much to the drug cartels I think they make there money in real drugs (heroin, cocaine and meth). It would create tax revenue and stop making criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens. I'm for strict punishment for drug deals well not just drug dealers everyone (rapist, drunk drivers, wife beaters). I think our lack of punishment is one reason we are in the situation we are in right now.

the whole immigration conversation is pointless until we get control of our border. Once we do that we can decide what to do about all of the "law abiding" illegal immigrants. I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of amnesty for them granted they have no criminal history. Unfortunately I don't believe we will ever do anything our country is in a bad spot at the moment. I wish I could say I think we will get it figured out but I don't we are F'd. We are witnessing the decline of America as we know it.
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I had someone tell me once that the only way to survive in this world is to live in the gray areas, he told me that is how he ran his business and the only way he was able to make money. He was investigated by the Department of Labor and fined $500,000 because he was improperly compensating his employees by paying them piece rate and some were not making minimum wage because they were saying they were working 80 hours a week to make people think they were hard workers. Many people live in the gray, but the laws are laws. I don't feel bad for someone who had 20+ years to get right..... It can be hard to become a legal citizen and also expensive, I have several family members and friends who are working on it or have done it. The argument that a law has not been properly enforced in the past is not valid, you cant argue that. I feel sorry for her children, they are going to loose their mother, she and her husband should have taken care of this in the past, you can't let something get to a head and then get mad about your lack of initiative, shame on them. Good on ICE for getting their job done, I doubt they are happy with how some of these go down, but good for them for doing it anyway.

Maybe next time I get pulled over for speeding I will try the excuse that I have been doing it for years and nobody stopped me so I figured it was ok.:rolleyes:
i was thinking we should remove the boarder, annex Mexico, legalize drugs, use the drug money to pay for the overtaking of Mexico would be ugly for a while........

just throwing fire into this conversation
My ancestors didn't exactly come to this country legally, and breaking up families, be they here illegally or not, is immoral.

Our nation's immigration policy the past 20 years hasn't been what one might call "consistent." Both parties are to blame. The people getting deported right now are the ones checking in with immigration officials on a regular basis. They've seen the goal posts moved repeatedly over the years, but they still keep trying to gain legal status. Those who stay off the radar aren't the ones getting deported.
It makes absolutely zero sense that we're doing this to the people trying to follow the rules and legalize their stay here. But, purely political decisions rarely make sense.
My ancestors didn't exactly come to this country legally, and breaking up families, be they here illegally or not, is immoral.

We aren't the type of nation that tears babies from their mother's arms, we are the type of nation that tears them from their mother's womb.

The law doesn't exist to make us feel good.

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Reagan gave them that in the 80's, it didn't work or stop the influx

Reagan granted amnesty as part of a deal with Democrats in congress. Basically, the Democrats agreed to fund Reagan's border security measures if he would use his executive power to mandate amnesty first.

The fact that we are still discussing border security decades later is a lesson in trusting Democrats.

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The wall is a bad idea. It will be built by the government or government contractors. How much do you think that will cost and how much do you think we (tax payers) will get screwed so some new Haliburton can charge exorbitant amounts of money to produce a subpar structure. Let alone how much it will cost to staff and maintain. The other issue is they will just dig tunnels and create other means to get in. Eliminating what lures them here in the first place is the answer.

On the other side, how can you be mad at a person from Mexico who lives in shit and wants a better life here? If the rolls were reversed, you're damn right I would sneak across a border to work and provide a better life for my family. Who wouldn't. So we need to stop the welfare, stop the ease with which they can work under the table and eliminate the power of the drug cartels back in Mexico. The cartels are a major reason Mexico is so screwed up.

How do we remove power from the cartels? By ending the blatantly failed, Freedom crushing, unconstitutional drug war. Ending the drug war not only stops the flow of immigrants escaping terrible conditions in Mexico, it stops the flow of billions of dollars leaving the US, it releases millions of non violent criminals, it creates industry here in the US and it eliminates a large portion of the police state we live in. Not only that but the nefarious immigrants who come here to make money in the black market instead of legitimate industries would also be greatly reduced. One thing it doesn't do is turn all Americans into drug addicts!

This lady is not the issue. Deporting her will not help anything. Letting her stay will not help anything. The emotional reasoning that is happening here is also the root cause of the drug war that is largely the reason they are coming here to begin with.

Securing the border is one of the few responsibilities the Constitution grant to the Fed tho.

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The problem as I see it is the law was broken and as a result was not enforced through many presidential terms. Then you get a president that makes these promises and gets voted in because of the promises and starts to enforce the broken law. Too bad someone didn't see the need to actually fix it. I believe that there are many illegal immigrants here that are productive and doing jobs that American citizens won't do, thus not taking american jobs. Then there are the stories you are hearing on the news about families being ripped apart and productive illegals being deported and that is because they are the low hanging fruit that are checking in with immigration and going through the process, thus getting caught. The ones breaking the laws will be much tougher to find unless they get arrested. Then there is the wall. Go ahead and spend the money if it makes you feel safer, but a wall will not stop the drug trade, or stop the bad people from getting in. I do think that legalizing marijuana would stop part of the illegal trafficking.
Securing the border is one of the few responsibilities the Constitution grant to the Fed tho.

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I agree I'm just not confident that a wall will do anything but transfer a ton of money to a government contractor.

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