Got the flu?

Status report: Day 2. Fort is holding, for now. The victims are starting to acquire zombie like behavior... appetite for normal foods are low but there are yet no signs of brain cravings. Will report back later.
I didn't either. The flu shot isn't nearly as effective as claimed to be anyways. It's a best guess of 3 recent strains and I think the effective rate was well under 1%. Doesn't seem worth the extra chemicals.


So far I'm flu-free. Is it a stomach flu with vomiting, or is it the achy, every bone hurts kind of flu?
Flu-free in this house so far. With two kids in school that's pretty amazing. 3 of the four of use have had flu shots. I just heard on the news that this year's shot is ~67% effective. I haven't gotten the flu since I started getting the flu shots at work every year, so I'll stick with it.