Greens in Moab......


Registered User
idaho falls
Personally, I think it's reasonable, as long as it stays open... I am not sure what exactly it means because i'm not familiar with the area, but is there really a problem as long as they don't close access? It just means that for a portion of the trail, you have to stay on it. The only problem would be if people don't stay on the trail and they close it for good.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
rckcrlr said:
Maybe it is just me, but I don't trust the NC. I bet it is not long before we see Moab rim closed if they buy it.

If there was ever an established 'road', that would be one, correct? I'm sure the area that the Moab-Rocks competition was in will be closed. As long as the documented trail stays open, (Jeep Safari or Wells book or whatever) I'm OK with the sale, but will watch NCD's actions in that area pretty closely. Anyone got $500K?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
rckcrlr said:
Yes, it is established and we could fight a closer (rs2477), but fights take $$$$ and time! It will get ugly......

Something like that trail would be PERFECT to fight, though. There's going to be one, that's a great one!

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
OK folks, think about this for a minute. The legal precedent has already been set in this area concerning closing roads crossing private property. Lower Helldorado was lost because no one could prove use more than a handfull of years back. Moab Rim trail has been in constant use for at least 40 years, more than enough to prevent it's closure. Grand County & the local Chamber of Commerce also have a vested interest in keeping the trail open, it was one of the original Jeep Safari trails.

Now look at the financial aspect, TNC has been trying to raise money for this purchase for nearly 6 months & still has less than half of what they need. That doesn't sound like an organization that will be able to afford to pay the legal costs of trying to close a well established road that the county claims. They'll be damned lucky to get the rest of the money together in the next month to finalize the purchase.

As long as there isn't a major problem with off route vehicular travel across the section that crosses the property in question, there won't be any effort by anyone to close the road. It won't make any difference to anyone who truely cares about keeping Moab trails open, because those people will stay on the designated route.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Hopefully nothing happens, we'll see.

Keep in mind though that there is a HUGE differance between this and the Strike Ravine case. Strike Ravine was public land with a legitimate right-of-way, Moab Rim has been in private hands since atleast the 60s, and we have been able to use the land by permission from the property owners.

rckcrlr has it right, if it comes to a lawsuit, it could get very ugly!!


Registered User
I think this could be move in right way, for both sides. My question is on it, what do the core local red rockers think about it. I know the people that enjoyed the park up there won't and I won't miss the chairlift. But then again all believe this when I see it! I think there is too many on there side and our side, that are extreme and won't listen cause they are to bullheaded! The biggest problen in all this is, that simple fact, we are people are not willing to look at both side of picture. Then we tend to be quick to find someone blame, when we are wrong. There is something for people to think about!

I don't want responses to it, cause I already know what they will be. I just posted this to get people to think bit! :)