A few more points I'd like to make..
1) Have a plan for this type of event. A wise tool is your cell phone. Have 911 on the phone as you are yelling commands at the person attempting to enter your home. Call out what they are doing and what you are doing. Have your wife on the phone with a 911 operator locked in a closet. Do you have dogs? Are the dogs barking at the guy from the inside of the house, or they in with your wife/kids?
If you dont have a plan, your in trouble!
A few years back, someone was trying to break into my garage.
I got out of bed, grabbed my pistol & headed for the garage.
in that moment, I realized that I didnt have a plan. (not good!)
I realized I didnt want to shoot anyone that was trying to steel my mower.
so I yelled from the other side of the door. letting him know that I was standing there with a gun in my hand. he then jumped the fence & fled.