Hanging Tree Trail (Update)

Went to Hanging tree last friday.

The trail was awesome! None of us could get the waterfall tho. With the rain there was A LOT of water coming down. I ended up slashing a tire on the rock ledge on the left at the top.

We picked up WAAAAAYYYYYYYY to much garbage. There were water jugs, gatorade bottles and beer cans every where.

I hated seeing that with the battle thats going on with this trail. Just more ammunition for them.

Would a regular, organized run with a small group be beneficial for cleanup duties? Up in Idaho the only reason we have three of the closest and nicest trails currently open are because we have regular clean up runs. The BLM appreciated our efforts.

I haven't been on hanging tree but it looks beautiful and I'd like to see it stay open.
Went to Hanging tree last friday.

The trail was awesome! None of us could get the waterfall tho. With the rain there was A LOT of water coming down. I ended up slashing a tire on the rock ledge on the left at the top.

We picked up WAAAAAYYYYYYYY to much garbage. There were water jugs, gatorade bottles and beer cans every where.

I hated seeing that with the battle thats going on with this trail. Just more ammunition for them.

A group of us ran the trail the week after and I have to say, you guys did a great job with the clean up. We picked up a few items that looks like you may have missed in the bushes, (old stuff) but over all it was a very clean trail!!!

Maybe a clean up run once in a while will help!!! Just let the BLM know we are doing it so we get credit.
A group of us ran the trail the week after and I have to say, you guys did a great job with the clean up. We picked up a few items that looks like you may have missed in the bushes, (old stuff) but over all it was a very clean trail!!!

Maybe a clean up run once in a while will help!!! Just let the BLM know we are doing it so we get credit.

Trail was very clean last weekend when we ran it.
Went to Hanging tree last friday.

The trail was awesome! None of us could get the waterfall tho. With the rain there was A LOT of water coming down. I ended up slashing a tire on the rock ledge on the left at the top.

We picked up WAAAAAYYYYYYYY to much garbage. There were water jugs, gatorade bottles and beer cans every where.

I hated seeing that with the battle thats going on with this trail. Just more ammunition for them.

That is sad. I saw 2 empty cans on the trail the day we went up and picked those up. Trail must have seen some heavy use since the water slowed down.
Save "Hanging Tree Trail" urgent....Today


HELP.....Sanpete County Commisioners are meeting this week to decide whether of not to grant permission to a private land owner to gate and control the county road at the bottom of Axe Handle Canyon which would put an end to access of the Hanging Tree Trail. The Gate would split the main County road and the upper Class D roads.
The Commisioners are concidering this action due to some vandalism to a few of the farmers pieces of equiptment, they dont nessarily see any reason to keep this canyon public....If you have ever enjoyed this trail, or these canyons now is the time to let them know....please email the commisioners and let them know how much you have enjoyed this trail. show them reason to keep it public. We have cleaned up these canyons and brought money into the county by buying fuel, food, hotel rooms. These canyons used to be private land fills and now they are cleaned up and Im going to meet with one of the commisioners and show them pictures of our club filling up roll off dumpsters and what not. Please email these commisioners and be respectful they are trying to do what is best for Sanpete County.
Thank You, James Millett

County Commisioner

Claudia Jarrett
email...... claudiaj@cut.net

Steven Frishnecht
email....... sfrish@mail.manti.com

Spencer Cox
email.......... scox@cut.net

You may have ran the Hanging Tree Trail for the last time.
Please email them a short and sweet message TODAY!! they meet this week