I've always used Western Digital......but what is this Lacie you speak about?
It's a really smart Golden Retriever that had his own TV show back in the day. He could speak by barking in morse-code or something like that...
Lacie is the brand of enclosure...not the drive itself.I've always used Western Digital......but what is this Lacie you speak about?
..WD is not what it used to be..
true, but then you're limited to 150GB per drive...too small for me and I don't need 10K RPMUnless you go Raptor.
true, but then you're limited to 150GB per drive...too small for me and I don't need 10K RPM
My Lacie 250 just took a sh*t last night. Only 6 months old and dead already. Now I gotta pay $400 to recover the info. Lame.
Do you know is it the carrier that crapped or the drive? I don't know if it'd do you any good but I can get you a copy of Data Rescue for the Mac that can recover files. If it is the drive that crapped why not just replace the drive with a new one (I know, any excuse to get new toys is a good one ) Lacie actually gets excellent reviews, the only other carrier that I know of that gets as high of reviews is the carriers from OWC. It's always said, if you are willing to pay the money get a Lacie
it depends on what you want to ultimately do. Just added storage or do you want it to be the primary drive with the OS and everything on it or??? If you just want it as storage then just put it in, partition it and assign it a drive letter then start using it. If you want the OS and all your current info on it then the easiest way is to use a ghosting program to create an image, Norton Ghost is a popular one and I've heard good things about Ghost4Linux (free )Yeah, your right, collie.
Steve did you lose data as a child?
Is there a easy way to switch to a new c: drive without (re)installing windows (and everything else)? Got a new drive a couple weeks ago and would love to make it my primary, but don't want go though all that if I don't have too.
All I know is it won't mount to the desktop. (and yes I know the "mount me" jokes are gunna come) Doesn't show up in the system profiler or the disk utility. The light turns on, but it doesn't make the typical noises, Its just quite.
It was working fine. I shut everything down because my one of my webie drives was not mounting and it was bullet hot. Let everything cool, then hooked everything up and the two webie's showed up and the lacie disappeared.
And yes Steve you have a sickness.