HELP!! Tacoma is dead


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
We're out by Fairview and having problems with the truck. The roads we came in on were practically flash flooding and we just turned around when it died.
I can crank it over and it will fire for 1/2 a second then die. At first I thought it was the ignition coil issue again but when that was happening it wouldn't fire at all. I kept the old coil with me so I exchanged it with the others one by one just to be sure, but nothing changed.

My next thought is that water is shorting out one of my electrical connections or is inside the motor. I pulled apart every connection that looked questionable to blow dry and retry but had no luck.

I pulled the cone filter off to find water droplets all over the filter and intake tube so I cleaned it out the best I could including the MAF sensor.

At this point the truck fires and idles for a second or two very rough. I finally got it to idle but when I revved it up it idled rough again and died. At this point the battery is dead and I'm clueless

By bestest pal Brian is coming to my rescue but just wanted to get additional input


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
First and foremost I need to apologize to everyone about getting their hopes up, Tacoma is NOT dead... Ha ha

Well we made it home safe after a long afternoon out in the rain floodwaters. To make a long story short it ended up being water inside the engine. The air box around the cone filter was no match for the deep water we were pushing through. Once Jeeper showed up with his family he jump started us and it immediately fired up so It must have finally had enough time to dry things out. We stuffed the holes in the airbox with plastic bags and rags to try blocking the water out, and headed out. Within a 1/2 mile down the road the truck sucked up enough water to kill the engine again so we opted to just tow it out to dry ground. After a long tow back onto pavement we cleaned all the water out of the intake, dried the air filter and fired it right up. Its kind of ironic I was just talking to sixstringsteve about his snorkel....

HUGE THANKS to Jeeper! He really went out of his way to help me out without even hesitating. We would probably still be stuck in a river if it weren't for him. We really had a great day and didnt let the truck spoil any of the fun. I didnt take many pictures since I was busy playing mechanic but here are a few from the GF. Im sure we will see some pics surface of the mighty JEEP rescuing yet another wimpy Toyota from Jeeper as well



Well-Known Member
it looks to me like you're rescuing the jeep. :D

Water is a big reason I prefer paper air filters. Bummer about getting stuck, but that's part of the adventure, right?


Sandy, Ut
Open element filters bring the suck on a rig that is going to see mixed use in a variety of weather conditions let alone any significant water. For that reason I'm a total fan of sealed air cleaner boxes ala factory setup with OE paper filters, and a snorkel if you do or could encounter water. Remember the Tacoma's factor air intake is fender depth so it isn't too difficult to dunk a corner of your truck and learn an expensive or inconvenient problem. More of my thoughts on Tacoma snorkels:

Glad to hear you were able to get it figured out, easy enough fix. I had a misfire on my '96 after some extended time in the water (Paria River Trail back when it was open) and it turned out to be water filled spark plug tubes. I pulled the wires and coils and absorbed the water with rolled up paper towels, reset the code and it ran like a champ. That was going to be my first guess with yours along with a wet MAF. Way to go Brian (Jeeper) for being a solid pal!
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
It was actually a lot of fun to be out there. The second time the truck died we had to stop in the flowing river. Ice chunks were floating past and bouncing off my shins. I had rubber boots on, but it was still plenty cold on my feet!
I did get some good pics, but we have just got home from the rest of our plans that got pushed back, and it's 1am, so I am going to bed.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Our photos never turn out like I think they should, so we don't have many to share. I don't understand it.. I look at something that needs to be photographed, I use my trusty point and shoot camera.. but they never turn out like Daves :(

Obligatory 'jeep saves toyota' shot.

It took all of .02 seconds to convince the twins that we needed to go save Laimomi... They were in the car lickity-split! Whats better than an adventure coupled with friend time?-NOTHING!

This is the bag full of rags to help prevent water getting into the intake again. It didn't work.

Stopped again..

Water on the road

We covered the intake with another bag, in hopes of just keeping water off while we towed him out though the the river of doom.

We did get a couple scenery shots..
This one has the splashing water from the jeep at the bottom
This one looked a lot better in person..

Once we were back on pavement we dried the truck out, and it was clear sailing from there.
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Dang, man, wish I'd known - I was down that way and probably could have gotten to you super quick! That's one situation I've never had Trooper in, a rescue that involves an ocean crossing.... :D


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Well I appreciate all the help from everyone. The ocean crossing was amazing I wish we could have pushed on further, maybe we will have to try again