help wanted


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
I don't want to sound like a shop guy just trying to get your business, as that is not my intent at all. I just wanted to throw out something that nobody has discussed yet... the potential legal ramifications of someone else working at your home.

You would be held legally responsible for any injuries that occured at your home. Every fabricator puts himself at possible risk whenever using shop equipment. Sh!t happens, and you don't want to be in a position where your "fabricator for hire" sues you for all you have.

I know, it sucks that people can sue for nearly any reason, but thats the way it is...

I personally don't think it's worth the risk.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Vonski said:
I know, it sucks that people can sue for nearly any reason, but thats the way it is...

I personally don't think it's worth the risk.
Not to mention the fact that you don't know any of us. We could all be shady theives. That's a risk too.


It's all good
Different strokes for different folks I guess..
I hope everyone understands that then, right class.

Yes I wouldnt weld on important parts with BUZZ box, some people do it, It's your stuff.

Hello Insurance: Forgot that little one: JESZUZ :mad:
My roll cage's have been converted to Sport cage's :sick:
Remember that TJ roll!! Prime example though :eek:
You can also cover ur Arse in your invoices for said work.


'98 ZJ
sukaB said:
Don't know if I'm reading this right,,,, I hope I'm not...
First of all nice shop plug!
Second who are you to talk about people you have no idea about.
I have no idea who you are until this post! hence I would never post something like this about anyone unless I was asked directly about certain folk and I still wouldnt do it on open forum.
I know myself and other shop named are totally anal about getting the job done right (THE FIRST TIME) and taking care of people first.
But we won't go into anything else here so as I'm not to be hurtful.
If my shop charges 50 dollars an hour that doesnt mean I make that and put it in my pocket..That means my facilities power, welder, plasma,bender, shop supplies, oil dump, chop saws, and other employee's are covered by that 50 an hour so don't act like we are all paid like rocket scientist's :-\ :confused:

I know you don't know me yet, that's because I'm a new member to this site. I am, however, not new to the industry. I've NEVER said anything bad about any other of shops listed above. I know the guys at Rock Logic,FTM and you and have nothing but good things to say about all of ya'll! I'm also aware of where the money goes into a shop being a former co-owner of my shop. I made my remarks of being tired of working on my stuff and customers because of the countless late nights getting it done right the first time. Thanks, sorry, whatever, just trying to help the guy out.....
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'98 ZJ
I Lean said:
I don't think he was saying that--the way I take it is that he's unlikely to get someone who works at a shop to go to his house after-hours and work on his stuff. They get enough of that during the day, plus working on their own junk in the evenings.

Am I close Bud?
You nailed it Carl, TDC! Not trying to cause any trouble here


Richard Crainium
logan utah
sukaB said:
It's all good
Different strokes for different folks I guess..
I hope everyone understands that then, right class.

Yes I wouldnt weld on important parts with BUZZ box, some people do it, It's your stuff.

What is wrong with a buzz box?
You dont see any amonia refrigeration system mig welded together
or steam lines or structural steel.
Why you ask?
Because stick is stonger!
Just because stick is harder to use is no reason to shy away from it.


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
bryce said:
What is wrong with a buzz box?
You dont see any amonia refrigeration system mig welded together
or steam lines or structural steel.
Why you ask?
Because stick is stonger!
Just because stick is harder to use is no reason to shy away from it.

You make a good point, but I don't think SukaB is going to reply to this anytime soon. :ugh: