OK, Got that done but the diff still won't slide out and yes I removed the bearing caps, feel like there is some bearing load holding it in. I talked to a guy I know and he said that I may need a housing spreader for the D-44 anyone know where I can borrow one?
A case spreader isn't required, but it would make it easier. That's good that it's in tight, it means the person that set up the gears gave it some preload. Bad is if it would have fallen out when you removed the caps.
Just grab hold of it and pull. You might have to use a bar and 2x4 - go sideways with the bar and use one of the remaining ring gear bolts. You can set the 2x4 on edge to get more leverage. My suggestion is to have someone play catcher while you do this, as when the carrier breaks free it will fall to the ground very quick. When yout put it back together, you will need to tap on the bearings to get it back in. Make sure you put it in square, as just a little cocked, it will not go in. When you tighten the caps, take them up to 30 ftlbs and hit them with a hammer, to make sure they are seating. Then go 40, 50 and do it again. 55 is the final number. The ring gear bolts are 60. Do the same thing here (without the tapping). Make sure you go crossways and start out light and get heavier. You might have to use one of your axles in the vice to keep the locker from spinning while you tighten the bolts. Just put the jaws on the shaft in the center somewhere.
When you pull it all apart, make sure the bearing caps are marked as to which side they go to. Most likely there is a letter upright on one side and laying on it's side on the other, with the same letter orientation on the gasket surface. That letter is usually on the top, too. Just make sure the cap letter and gasket surface are close to each other when you put it back together - you don't want the cap on upside down. Also make sure you keep the shims by the bearing cap that they came off of (if you remove the bearings, or if there are external shims/spacers).
I have some used D44 ring gear bolts here you can have for shipping - $10? I'm not sure what else you would need. I'll also toss in a little thing of loctite, as they should be loctited in as well. I also have a book that shows you how to do diffs for $25 if your interested. Let me know!