Hey Boise


Well-Known Member
Twin Falls, ID
Some people felt it here in Twin. Oddly enough I didn't, but my wife called me about it. I do wonder if there's any relation to the stuff going on in Utah.


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One of my guys is from le boi, and his Dad called him right after it happened, and right when he told him about the earthquake, our chandeliers started swinging. We didn't feel it, but I don't know what else could cause 18 hanging lights to all sway at the same time.


By endurance we conquer
Some people felt it here in Twin. Oddly enough I didn't, but my wife called me about it. I do wonder if there's any relation to the stuff going on in Utah.

Geologically speaking, movement usually causes more movement.

my wife and I were driving here in Utah county in the car with the ham radio scanning in the background. Suddenly the intertie repeaters started going crazy with people from Idaho talking about the earthquake. The news travelled fast.