yes, i am trunky... and i'm planning a party in the most beautiful Southern Utah. more specifically, Moab. all in are invited. i don't get home until the 1st of June in get this, 2006! that's in quite some time.... which sorta sucks. but luckily time is cruisin.
paul, or 'stripeshirtman' wants me to wait for him so we can party for the both of us. i say screw him, and let's have 2 trips to Moab.
as we all kick ideas around for this event, be sure to invite all cute sisters, neighbors, neices, cousins, and so on.... remember it will have been 2 full years without any of that beloved female contact. :greg: ... so make sure you get on their schedules now.
paul, or 'stripeshirtman' wants me to wait for him so we can party for the both of us. i say screw him, and let's have 2 trips to Moab.
as we all kick ideas around for this event, be sure to invite all cute sisters, neighbors, neices, cousins, and so on.... remember it will have been 2 full years without any of that beloved female contact. :greg: ... so make sure you get on their schedules now.