I am too but it's a slippery slope so please don't write anything off early on. For the most part, it's their responsibility to complete the house to the letter. If you uncover something in your attempt to repair, even the warranty company can take issue with that.
Also, if you do take on repairs, document every step. Pictures and documentation have saved us 25+ thousand working with contractors in this last year. I still feel twinges of rage after our most recent property fiasco.
Lots of people just want to get in and get it over with, but if there are some issues to be attended to, I'd find a friend, relative, or hotel to sleep at and don't close until it's wrapped. You'll be surprised how crews can be freed up and wallets open when the buyer's pens are set down.
So the only reason that sucks is I would have to move twice and anywhere I move it to is farther away than the house. It would take a really big problem for me to choose that option. Fingers crossed we don't have anything like that. If we didn't have to be out of here on the 31st, 2 days after closing I would definitely ask them to fix little stuff before closing.
EDIT: hopefully we only have minor stuff on the punch list and it can all be resolved before closing. I reckon they can get a lot done in 15 days.