I have a highangle driveline. It's like .095 wall tube. It runs with the slipyoke at the axle (rear driveline). Well I noticed the other day that I have a big ol dig in it that goes from about 5inches from the end, to the slipyoke. The slipyoke "LIP" has a dent in it and then the dust ring on the axle is tore up. Thats from one decent trail obstical. I want to get more extreme (cuz it's trendy) but have to figure that I don't want to pretzel my driveline doing it. There expencive. A few guys around here do comp. so there on it ALL the time. Whats the secret to keep my driveline in one peice. Dont tell me the panzy lines either, thats not trendy. I will build a square one after easter, but I think that sucks. Do I have to run a different driveline for trails and one for road?
Whats the deal? I don't have or want high clearance diffs either $$$. I can build two drivelines for that cost.
Whats the deal? I don't have or want high clearance diffs either $$$. I can build two drivelines for that cost.