How far do you go?


Well-Known Member
cruiseroutfit said:
I needed you there to help verbally acost these relentless jerks... :D;)

ATV'ers are out there to do the same thing as us.. enjoy the serenity of Mother Nature... The problem doesn't lay in the machine, rather the attitude of the operator... 2% doing the damage... :(

I think all People should go through a Land Use Class to Get a Liscense :confused: Even a Drivers Liscense

Especially the Atv's since they are 99.9% of the time not on the Street. Maybe you have to go down ONCE a year when you need new stickers for the thing and have to sit through a half hour video on Land Use :)

I agree with what EZ said about taking Pictures, I really need to try and carry a Digital Camera with me Everywhere....(Like Mandatory in the Jeep)

I was up Providence Canyon a few Years ago someone broke a Leaf spring Bolt on the trail, it was in a tight area and TWO Forest Patrol guys on 4 Wheelers ended up stuck behind us. Well Needless to say after waiting like 45 minutes or so for the jeep to get fixed they got tired of waiting, (there just happened to be and OLD existing shortcut in between where we where waiting) and it was FULL OF VEGITATION. Guy turns to me and says "you didn't see this" ???

Then Last year I was up Providence Canyon I had to pull over to the side of the trail so this same Forest service guy could get around me, I was at a complete stop, BAMB my jeep kinda nudges? Bastard hit one of my rear Flares and just kept on driving. :mad:

Anyway I don't think that this Issue will ever end all we can do is help to decrease it.


Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
It's everywhere. There always seem to be those who have no care for anything or anyone but themselves. But it seems that ATV's have a higher concentration of those who drive wherever they damned well please. My experience is that it's more like 10-15% of ATV & motorcycle riders, about the same of bicycle riders and probably 7-10% of 4x4 drivers who have this attitude. But I'm totally sick of the 'it's not hard enough/it's too hard/I don't want to wait for you' attitudes.

I also get upset with what I call the sheep mentality. These are people who do something simply because others did it. Just like a herd of sheep (or cows) they go where they perceive that "everyone else" has gone before them.

It's interesting to hear about Trail Patrol. I've contacted the BLM a couple of times asking them to start something like this only to have no response. You'd think if they already had such a program that they would refer me to it. Definitely something I'll be checking into further.


Sandy, UT
Well, the trail patrol thing isn't a BLM thing it's a state thing. There is a reason why I have no interest in doing it, but won't share that reason on a public forum. :)

I think a big reason for the "I'll drive anywhere I damn well please" at least for ATV's is that they think their driving off-trail leaves no visible track nor physical damage. "It doesn't matter".

Funny how there are hundreds of miles of established trails of any/all skill levels and people still can't stay on the trail. Oh I want to go climb that big rock over there....only problem is they drive over 2 trees and some shrubbery to get to it...



look what i can do!!
i say we start blocking unlawfully made trails with spike pits!! that will teach them... :D


Cedar Hills
Kurt, you did exactly the right thing. We have to police ourselves. The Rangers can't be everywhere and a lot of the seasonal help are students for the summer.

The Trail Patrol training is done through Parks and Rec now and has a good manual. As suggested in it, if they won't listen to a friendly warning, get license numbers, descriptions, whatever you can.

These weenies will close trails for all of us and Land Managers will gladly close a problem area so that they don't have to deal with it.

I appreciate everyone who steps up. Many here have given a lot of time and sweat in that canyon over the years to keep those trails.



Registered User
Post this question on the Jeep-Slc List, I got flamed for this same stuff on there from Marsha and Brett (Maverick on here) This was same reason ez and few others including me, were mad about our last work project up AF canyon, if you were there and talk to forest service people you will know it first hand. before anyone that read's this decides to post crap about me and being negative, do bother! cause all you are doing is waste time. I'm not prefect, I don't know everything, but I have learned alot over last 42 years and still am learn. That is good and bad thing, cause I am not member of any local club right now, even u4wda. Reason? you will have to ask me offline I'm not here to hinder good they do. Just to make sure they live up to what they commit too!


Sandy, Ut
BLH said:
Post this question on the Jeep-Slc List, I got flamed for this same stuff on there from Marsha and Brett (Maverick on here)

Doubt that...

This was same reason ez and few others including me, were mad about our last work project up AF canyon, if you were there and talk to forest service people you will know it first hand.

What were you mad about?

Just to make sure they live up to what they commit too!

What are we NOT living up to?