I have a problem.

I'm hoping mine will go a bit faster. no more old mercedes engines for this car. it only weighs 3000 lbs, so I think a V8 would make it fairly quick.

The rust repair is not too bad. I'm just trying to make it look good, Luckily its all hidden behind fender liners. Too bad the old ones didn't work right.
So a bit of progress. I could not get the metal to weld very well. It kept cracking. I was cutting up the old fenders to fix the rust. It just wasn't working.

Picked up some 18 gauge scrap metal from a friend. Cleaned it up. Made a template and cut some metal.

Then I started tacing it in. And bent it to the curvature of the firewall by hand at the top.

After that I started on the bottom. But the metal was much wider here so I couldn't get it to bend. I grabbed my jack and started jacking the car up. As I put pressure on the metal I hit it with a hammer and it slowly conformed the shape of the firewall. I then tac'd it into place and came out Damn nice.
Also worked on the drivers side inner fender structure. It was bent from a previous wreck. I have it about 90% straight. Then I'll start patching the holes.

I'm also going to plate the frame rails into the new inner fenders I've been making.




So dyslexia struck again. I actually have a 305 cubic inch v8. and 700R4. I read the numbers wrong. opps.

That's okay, I'll throw a cam in it, and a 2 barrel carb. I think it'll actually work better then the 400 CI.
And now some wheels


