I here Cody made a new friend last weekend


Small world indeed... :rofl:

She's a cool gal... I don't think I have seen her since my wedding... scratch that she came over on halloween.

Next time you see here... tell her I am finally ready to fess up from ceran wrapping her car & toilet papering her house last summer... that was the same night we left Cody on the hillside with a handful of water baloons and a couple of pissed off high school jocks... oh my youth (tounge in cheek as that was literally last summer ;))

And I'm the one that had to go pick him up......good thing it was only a 2.43 minute drive.....-_-


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Eh, he was slow and didn't know to get to the getaway car

NO, I just don't run like a school girl when there is trouble. I stuck around to get there number for ya....

Once I ran out of balloons I called and you assholes didn't even realize I was gone :sick:

We've had some good times---like the night the "road construction ahead" sign was throwing balloons from the middle of the street. I hate it when they do that.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Word on the street is that the romance started a few weeks prior in the back seat of my truck during a certain ride home.

He my not remember that night, he was belting out bohemian rhapsody and tiny dancer minutes prior to departure from the bar.

This is where cody yells FACE!.... SHUT UP!

Ahhhhh, now I know who it must be....:p


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you guys are seriously mis-informed.

...but I was singing bohemian rhapsody that much I can confirm.


These go to 11
You can tell the alcohol content of someone's blood simply by watching how far back they lean when singing to songs in the bar. The give away is when they start singing to the moon.