I just signed the Utah petition!

As someone who has sworn an oath to protect this country this kinda thing is a little offensive to me. I understand why people might want to do this just to make a point but there are better ways to do it, but have at it with free speech and all.
Every citizen swears an oath whenever they say the "Pledge of Allegiance", heck, I took all kinds of oaths in Boy Scouts too. Concentrate on being offended that your boss let those people die in Benghazi. There's a tool on ExPo that said he's going to come and kill anyone who leaves because that's what his oath tells him to do.
You'd think we'd learn. Remember what happened last time Utah tried to secede in 1857?! Neither do I but I heard it worked out pretty good until the US army showed up :ugh:
I see this more as a shot across the bow of the Federal government, by citizens who are tired of the BS that Washington is pulling.

Gov Perry's office statement backs this up......

"Gov. Perry believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it. But he also shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government.

Now more than ever our country needs strong leadership from states like Texas, that are making tough decisions to live within their means, keep taxes low and provide opportunities to job creators so their citizens can provide for their families and prosper. We cannot allow Washington’s tax and spend, one-size-fits-all mindset to jeopardize our children’s future, undermine our personal liberties and drive our nation down a dangerous path to greater dependence of government."
Like tjdukit, I to have taken same oath. It feels like a slap in the face to those of us that put our lives on the line to protect this country, the people in it, and the constitution that keeps us together. This whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I understand wanting and needing to voice thought and opinion about the current situation. If you want to do so, push for impeachment. But, what if Obama does give what people are pushing for with these petitions. Congrats this country just became weaker then a African third world that is at civil war for 10+ years and is still a country. I doubt it Would happen, but what if. And the 25k signing is just for the White House to look at people's displease with the current administration, which is a good start, but then you got to think, your name is on this petition stating you wish to secede from the union, congrats you just put your name on a permanent list that the government can reference off of.
I think this is bordering on renouncing your citizenship in the United States of America. This is not a shot over the bow...this is not something to be taken lightly and signed on a whim. If you want to secede from the United States of America you can personally do so. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

You might want to voice your opinion with your vote in the voting booth like the rest of us instead of whining because your guy didn't win by signing a silly petition that will accomplish almost exactly nothing except making a sound bite for the news and getting you placed on a government watch list. If you want a revolution...start one. Go right ahead.

Oh...on renouncing your citizenship...see question "i" on the form to purchase a firearm. Food for thought.
If you want to do so, push for impeachment.

Which should be easy, since he's basically GW #2 but he's a lot smoother at pretending not to be. But ask any Obama supporter and they will have NO idea about the following:

More civil liberty decay, more undeclared wars in third worlds, drone bombing innocent civilians (which will actually result in more blowback which is why we are in this position to begin with), kill list, ability to assassinate American citizens (and he already has, where's the main stream news on this??), ability to detain American citizens without due process, ramped up war on drugs (which is a failed money swallowing machine and has only made the drug trade more profitable), now in negotiation with UN on gun control, fast & furious scandal, Benghazi scandal, etc, etc, etc...

So you think that list is bad? Romney would have continued and supported all those points. But all we can do as dumb-blinded people is argue about our shitty healthcare system and pretend that banking corporations have our best interests in mind. Guess what, healthcare costs a shit ton of money because the financial institutions found many ways to make massive profits in medical and insurance sectors and passed laws via lobbyists to make their profiteering legal and nearly opaque.

IMO - the secede movement is silly. What you need to focus energy on is state's rights and governance over citizens and put the fed gov back into doing what it was designed to do... deal with issues between the states and abroad. Stay out of personal lives and stop giving handouts and creating dependency on a failing system.

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IMO - the secede movement is silly. What you need to focus energy on is state's rights and governance over citizens and put the fed gov back into doing what it was designed to do... deal with issues between the states and abroad. Stay out of personal lives and stop giving handouts and creating dependency on a failing system.


Which should be easy, since he's basically GW #2 but he's a lot smoother at pretending not to be. But ask any Obama supporter and they will have NO idea about the following:

More civil liberty decay, more undeclared wars in third worlds, drone bombing innocent civilians (which will actually result in more blowback which is why we are in this position to begin with), kill list, ability to assassinate American citizens (and he already has, where's the main stream news on this??), ability to detain American citizens without due process, ramped up war on drugs (which is a failed money swallowing machine and has only made the drug trade more profitable), now in negotiation with UN on gun control, fast & furious scandal, Benghazi scandal, etc, etc, etc...

So you think that list is bad? Romney would have continued and supported all those points. But all we can do as dumb-blinded people is argue about our shitty healthcare system and pretend that banking corporations have our best interests in mind. Guess what, healthcare costs a shit ton of money because the financial institutions found many ways to make massive profits in medical and insurance sectors and passed laws via lobbyists to make their profiteering legal and nearly opaque.

IMO - the secede movement is silly. What you need to focus energy on is state's rights and governance over citizens and put the fed gov back into doing what it was designed to do... deal with issues between the states and abroad. Stay out of personal lives and stop giving handouts and creating dependency on a failing system.


Oh yes and I have also taken the oath and served in this Countries Armed Forces. And have been many places around the World, trust me when I say we don't have it so bad. There are many places that are far worse off than we can ever be.