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- Sunny Arizona
Fifth element from squatters is like summer in a bottle
I'll admit to liking quite a few local beers. A surprising number are higher alcohol content than 3.2. Bummer you have to go to the brewery or State stores for most of it. Locally, any Epic is pretty darned good. Coming from California, I still pine for my favorite, Indian Wells Brewery, Lobotomy Bock... WAYYYY to smooth and easy to drink for over 10%. Other locals I like include Devastator, Anniversary Barley Wine and Captain Bastard's Oatmeal Stout... I will admit to a preference for higher content brews though. I grew up in Kansas, 3.2 w the common beer and 6% if you were over 21. So, 3.2 isn't just a Utah thing.
Oh but on base has a fine selection of micro brews from Oregon, Alaska, Cali, Colorado and just about anywhere else. I bet you would be quite surprised at the quality of the selection of actual good beers on base.
I love any beer that has good flavor obviously that's all personal preference as far as what constitutes good flavor but just about any American Lager does not qualify.
Newcastle nut brown ale for me. Preferably in a cloned home brew, or one of my own concoctions!
The kid agrees too!