I need your phone number.


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
Hello friends.
Being not tech savvy I lost my phone in the snake river while kayaking. I didn't have any thing backed up so I have zero numbers saved. I have a bunch of friends on here.
If you have my number and would like me to have yours please send me a text with your name. Please only semi appropriate pics. Or a PM on here also works. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I’m going to make it into a game where you have to guess my identity. If you don’t do well at it I’m blocking your number. May the odds be ever in your favor, old friend. Muahaha


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
So was it a "I'm gonna take a photo with my phone, *splash* oh no!" or more of a "where did my phone go?" :D
No. 20 feet from take out there was a under tow and swift current. Tipped me right over. Phone was in a hat between my legs. I saved everything except my phone. A backpack. A discarded water bottle, the hat, oars, flip flops ect. We went 13 miles in 2 hours. 7mph average speed 14mph max speed. Class 2 rapids in sit on top of kayakes. It was so much fun. Worth the lost phone. From Jackson down to where the road crosses the river.